Tuesday, May 23, 2017

spray paint & wind mayhem

Britt was off to work early on what is to be a hot day. I had my coffee and did some internet work before heading outside to continue hand picking weeds, transplanting and watering flowers/trees and such. 25 by noon but off and on clouds and wind which they say will blow in rain tomorrow, fingers crossed.

I started the cabinet spray paint project. I finished removing the back, disassembling the legs and put on my rolling cart and headed outside but the wind was to blustery and sun dried it to fast so back inside. I truly am not a fan of spray painted large projects. Like all paints it seems to have a learning curve I am not picking up.

 seems my mask is not that efficient ;)

The day got warmer to 28 and wind continued. They are calling for lots of wind tomorrow with rain so time to lay down the chairs and check for any items outside that could blow. As I was taking out some spent flowers, the winds blew hard thru the deck door, caught the large horse canvas and swept my favorite blue glass dish off and smashed ;( dam Of all the blue glass I have, why one of my favorites?

Britt was home by 6 as I was making supper. I headed back out to add more spray paint to the cabinet and she was off to town getting back home at 10 as I was watching Netflix and cleaning bathrooms. Got to love having an Ipad and Netflix to make chores pass faster. They say crazy wind in the am but it seems it is happening tonight. There was a few times I ventured out to move deck chairs more securely placed.

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