Monday, May 15, 2017

Mothers Day with my girls

Up early again I made a match of my new french vanilla Tim's coffee and did some marketing and applied another coat of clear to the sideboard top before rousting Britt after 9. She had arranged a visit with Jac and baby Roo (full name Yahoo Royalle Roolette) for 11 so we were off just after 10. We had almost an hour alone with the little one and Idol before Jac arrived to snap a few pictures of them together.

Jacquie took this photo

We ended up visiting till 1:30 then jetting off to our movie plan of 2:30. The universe had other plans finding us stuck in traffic of a closed northbound Macleod trail due to a multiple vehicle accident. It did however allow for both Kaylin and Shaina to meet us for supper and the movie.

Britt and I made a stop at Costco to load up, health food store then shop the mall before our 4 o'clock supper date. K&S were late though arriving after 4:30 giving Britt and I time to "chat", great right B? Our sushi supper was good and I even ventured for raw salmon and tune, yeah me. Brad stopped by to visit for a short bit leaving him to eat and us off to our movie, Snatched. It was funny and an enjoyable Mom & girls show. THANKS to my beautiful girls for the supper, presents, movie & snacks. I enjoyed our time together! XOXOXO

Back home it was unload Costco and finish storage room pantry organize, put another coat of finish on the sideboard and other last minute things to start the week. Sheldon rolled in at 10:30.

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