Saturday, March 18, 2017

plus 15!

Another crazy weather day, warm winds started blowing and  got worse. It was a warm wind that got up to 15!! Needless to say there is almost zero snow anywhere to be found.

It was a very productive day for me to stay inside. I glued in the new wood buttons on the black stool and painted them, all done. On to getting my thrift treasures organized, snapped a picture and entered all on my spreadsheet.

I painted two of the the shelves I had washed up in coral.

Putting away a few of the treasures led me into cleaning my office. The "new" wooden box once all scrubbed and touched up was perfect for the office shelf. This led to whipping it all down and rearranging which led to sorting the rummage sale box. My desk was sorted and wiped down and my new baskets put to use.

Before the night was out, I put the 2nd coat of coral on and distressed when dry. The new jewel box I repaired earlier got sanded and ready to paint.

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