Friday, March 31, 2017

projects and set up

Up early again, I was eager to see what the milk paint had done. Just the same places it was shipping last night are chipped so I finished off the excess paint I made last night and sanded it all down when dry.

Time to get another project scrubbed up, this time it is the vanity I got awhile back.

Jessica the picture customer stopped out to decide on the mat and went with lets paint the outer one a soft white I used for her bedroom suite. Throughout the day I put on 3 coats and sanded between each to try and get it flawless.

I tried a new wood filler to fill a few spots on the roll top pull out drawer and top of vanity. My main project was cleaning the garage and getting set up for the paint course Sunday. This included putting together one stool too ( one of the gals has her own to paint).

A bit windy again today and plus 14 things are sure drying up fast. A courier delivered a loaded package of Krylon spray paint, holy cow, I best get some plans on the go to rep them.

Britt was home for supper. I tried a soup recipe that may not have been the best, good thing there was left over lasagna. Then we pitched hay before she got ready and was off to town around 7:30 leaving me to clean up the glass and get the picture all back together. I spent awhile trying to remove the old caster inserts on the vanity but they are way to stuck in there. Time to call in the dog and call it a night at 10, Netflix awaits.  Britt was back home just before 10 too ;)

Thursday, March 30, 2017

lunch date #2 this week

Did I mention I ended up with Sheldon's cold? Yep he was kind enough to share it with me and for the last couple nights the throat feels the worst. I have a lunch date with Coreena and Sharon today so had to get myself together to meet them at 11:30. Prior to going I had polox issues to deal with but once there we had a quick catch up.

By 1 everyone was on their way. I ran a few errands washing my car, picking up some seeds. some feed tubs and dog food. At Walmart I ran in to Monica so had a catch up with her too. I grabbed a hot tea for my ride to the ranch, pitched hay on my way by to the house.

I staged the custom table quick

forgot to share the before

Shaina messaged she is still doing well but not near wifi for a few more days. I forgot to share the photos she sent of the lost city they hiked to last week.

look at Shaina busting a workout on the Shaman's bench press, it does look a bit rickety :)

The weather was nice plus 13 but windy. My afternoon project was the picture dropped off. I took it all apart and took the frame out to paint black in two coats. In between coats I spent time with our internet provider to get the thing working, sheesh. Finally I got it going.

just the black frame makes a huge difference

My evening project was the roll top desk and in true milk paint fashion it gave me random colors requiring another mix up of paint and such but think it will be sweet. I finished up at 9:30 and relaxed with Netflix finishing season 3 of Switched at Birth and started season 4.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

shop evestrough up

Up and at it by 8, I had coffee and things a going. The eves-trough guys showed up at 10 to run a length down the north side of the shop. I clarified where the spouts were to go after pitching hay and putting out the new mineral.

I was busy in the garage putting a 3rd coat on mom's shelf and starting the customers little table. By days end I had the shelf finished with distressing and white wax for a super cute aged look to match the frames and her new bedding as well as the table painted, sanded and waxed with clear and black for a really sweet aged look. (pics tomorrow)

The 2 man team finished up after 3 and once I paid them, they were on their way. I headed out to trim Hawk and Pepper but even though plus 11 and sunny it was windy so it was done in the shop. All 6 horses are good to go for a month now. My parcel was delivered so the dogs and I hiked to the gate to retrieve it and pitched hay on the way back.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

lunch with Kaylin

To start my day I did a few things in the garage, the wall shelves were sanded quick then Mom's white shelf got first coat of green .

I was off to the city just after 10 stopping on my way out to pitch hay to the ponies. Kaylin and I met for lunch at Original Joe's for a quick visit. It was nice to get a one on one visit <3 I was then off to my dermatologist appointment. Of course the next stop was to check out the south VV for some treasures and I managed to find a few. My stop at Winners found even more.

I made a  quick stop at DQ for a blizzard for the ride home and promptly dumped it in my lap after getting it handed thru the window ;) good thing it was still in the upside down thick mode so was easy to right again. I stopped at the horse store on route home for kelp arriving back at the ranch after 4. Perfect timing for a customer to stop after 5 to drop off a framed project for me to recreate.

Back in the garage the shelf got another coat of green, the shelves got dark waxed and the frames sanded. I put the mirror back together after some dark wax added to the crevices for dimension. I put out some of the kelp and pitched more hay before Netflix time.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday Monday

Britt was up early finishing laundry and heading to her doctor appointment at 8:15 am. From there she will head back to school. I got up and with a fresh coffee caught up on my emails and further prep for next Sunday's first milk paint clinic.

just found this missed photo from yesterday's practice ;)

Sheldon was up a bit later and finally starting to get on the mend. He finished up the last of the tax numbers he needed to drop with the accountant then tossed some hay. In the garage I put a cream coat over the wall sconces, glued Mom's shelf up and got all my paint projects set up to go. Sharon arrived around 11 to pick up her new quilt rack and have a visit.

the lake is gone ;(

I bought this cute mirror for Ada's birthday so painted it a couple coats of coral to go with her turquoise frames I did. I think it is super cute and vintage looking but with a fun color. Sheldon got all loaded up and headed off before 2. Shaina text just after he left she made it safely out of the jungle hike and it was much harder then any of them expected. 70 kms of hiking up and down the mountain sides in Columbia. One of the couples even had to hire a mule as they could not do it but it seems the poor little mule struggled to carry the heftier fellow ;(

My farrier coach was to be here at 1:30 but was delayed until after 2, I had 3 of the girls caught ready to roll. Once she arrived we spent the next 3 hours trimming them and doing a refresher course. She was off at 5:30 leaving me to do Daisy before coming in. Did I mention sore muscles from riding? well now they are even sorer ;)


 the knives I want to get


I painted up Mom's wee frames and waxed the coral mirror before hitting a tub to soak. A fresh change of the sheets and it was time to catch up on Scandal and Switched at Birth.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Impromptu polocrosse practice

What a beauty day this Sunday is. Britt arrived home from her sleepover before 8:30 but promptly hit her bed to sleep. Mom called just after 9 to say she was on the road so while waiting for her arrival I did some project work. The roll top desk repairs are progressing, I forgot a photo before so put together for a couple.

The wall sconces I chose fusion paint in brown to mix with the fresco. There will be no chipping now.

Sheldon ventured out in the sunshine to toss hay and start rolling up the wire off the temp fence. He was finishing up when Mom pulled in at noon. She had brought a little cabinet I moved in before I made us a quick lunch. It was too nice to not get outside so all of us headed out in the plus 10 to catch horses. Perfect day for a ride and polocrosse fun practice. The wind was minimal with just a couple bursts. Lots of fun time on horse back was had by all and having Mom ride Hawk saved me ponying or riding both, thanks Mom.
 someone needs a haircut!!

 just hanging out buddies

check out this well behaved horse waiting for her ball retrieving rider to return to join in the catch game

Back inside for a refreshment and camera chat while I made lasagna and threw it in. Britt napped on the couch after getting showered up and ready for the tanning salon staff meeting. Mom and I chose a paint color for a couple pieces from her youth bedroom then she was off after 5:30 to spend the night with the Paetz family.

Relaxing for the Prince, Britt was home later in the evening. She is staying tonight for an early doctors appointment in the am. I set up a milk paint class for next Sunday then hit the tub to soak my sore muscles.