Tuesday, March 28, 2017

lunch with Kaylin

To start my day I did a few things in the garage, the wall shelves were sanded quick then Mom's white shelf got first coat of green .

I was off to the city just after 10 stopping on my way out to pitch hay to the ponies. Kaylin and I met for lunch at Original Joe's for a quick visit. It was nice to get a one on one visit <3 I was then off to my dermatologist appointment. Of course the next stop was to check out the south VV for some treasures and I managed to find a few. My stop at Winners found even more.

I made a  quick stop at DQ for a blizzard for the ride home and promptly dumped it in my lap after getting it handed thru the window ;) good thing it was still in the upside down thick mode so was easy to right again. I stopped at the horse store on route home for kelp arriving back at the ranch after 4. Perfect timing for a customer to stop after 5 to drop off a framed project for me to recreate.

Back in the garage the shelf got another coat of green, the shelves got dark waxed and the frames sanded. I put the mirror back together after some dark wax added to the crevices for dimension. I put out some of the kelp and pitched more hay before Netflix time.

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