Friday, September 16, 2016

another 24+ day of sunshine

My morning was caught up in accounting and data entry in order to have all backed up before switching to the new computer. My new phone was ready to be set up so started that process although fairly easy with the restore from old one.

It also had me spending time staging, getting picture approval which of course requires 100 redos but hope I got it in the end.

Lori is staying with us tomorrow night so I stripped the spare room and put on comfy flannel sheets although today it is another beauty at sunny 24 and tomorrow could hit 26!

I put all my milk paint powder in jars, did you know that is best way to store them??

Britt pulled in at 1:30 as I was putting another coat of poly on the high chair and was off for a nap.. what? ;) The bale picker pulled in behind her and by 3 had all but 4 bales off. Once the high chair was dry I took a few pictures of it too before moving the room back in place.

Sheldon was home by 4 having picked up oil changing goodies from Mercedes on his way home. He is going to attempt the change himself and save $450. Time for him to have a nap too. The temperature went to 25. Finally all were awake and time for supper, barbecued burgers and corn with a side of sautéed zucchini. It was not long and there was a list of 3 people wanting the dresser, think it is sold.

Roomie Steph arrived just as we were finishing up around 6:30 and not long after the family that came to see Baby pulled in to ride her again. This time they brought the girl Mikayla's older horse.  Sheldon ran to town to meet roofer guys for a quote on the rental. Britt caught baby while Mikayla tacked up her horse. I tacked up Baby while Britt and Steph went to catch Pepper, Switch and Bird. The dad and mom both rode baby before they untacked their horse and Mikayla came into the larger pen where Britt, Steph and I were riding. I even pulled out a couple barrels for her to work with. It gets dark fast but we all rode well into it, and it is harvest moon, gorgeous bug free night ;) Once all untacked, Britt and Steph put horses away and went inside to make popcorn and watch movies while we (Sheldon who was now home and I) helped load their horse and visited after Mikayla confirmed she indeed would like to buy Baby and give her a great home. She also thought Mr Jenkins should be part of the deal ;) They were off just after 9. As sad is it to see her go, this is the perfect family for her to go to and be given a purpose.

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