Friday, September 30, 2016

record cabinet and coffee table

The day started very misty and cool, horses in the mist. Of course I did not haul in the tables yesterday so did it myself this am to wipe off all the dew/rain

I got busy working on some new projects.. the record cabinet had legs removed, got a sanding, a wash down and ultra grip put on the top

the coffee table I picked up yesterday got scrubbed up, sanded down and painted in milk paint

 good bye orange stain

My green table blog post went live today so now can share here as did my long ago cream milk paint dresser.

By lunch the sun burned through, yahoo! Britt was home at 1:30, kindly filled cat food and checked horse salt before retreating to TV room to catch all her PVR shows. Sheldon was home by 3:30 and promptly hit the couch to nap. Time to dig potatoes in the plus 19 sunshine.  I stained the base of the record cabinet before coming in to cook supper.

I stained the back of it too, always looks better

After supper all was dry to paint another coat on the coffee table and add more to the top while Sheldon and Britt retreated downstairs. Unfortunately the water marks remain... hmmm new plan

and here are the blended colors dry, all left to dry overnight well

I wrote up more blog posts and HomeTalk posts and as I was getting ready to head in to watch Netflix the thunder rolled at 9:30.. on September 30th!! crazy then came the rain.. just like David Spence said on the news

Happy big 13 for my sweet nephew Vance today, slow down time, you are passing to fast!
 few years back already.. need a new pic ;)

Thursday, September 29, 2016

on the road again

Busy road day for me, I was fueled with coffee and on the road by 9, first stop at the dump then to pickup some furniture scores on the way to drop Coco for her spa day.

Next was a great visit with a fellow painter in town, we came up with ideas to help move our furniture products and may take in a few markets even. I had to cut it short to get to my lab appointment for my standing blood work, drop eggs off at the Paetz house and run to get Coco. I was back at the ranch by 12:30 whew!

I loaded up the computer to return and was getting my lists ready when Shaina rolled in after 1 for a nap before her 2 pm shift. I left her napping as I jetted off to the city. I stopped to check a few of my thrift store haunts and was SHOCKED to see the prices of the pieces ;( I even struck out at my favorite store Home Sense.. best get to Costco and get my stuff done.

Sheldon took the C-Train to SAIT and met me at Northhill where we had a yummy happy hour of drinks, fresh guacamole and a Santa Fe chicken salad to share. We left room for appetizers at the Investors Group comedy show we were off to next at 6:30. Our hosts, Steve & Craig made for an enjoyable night of laughs, thanks guys, it was good to get out. I drove home while the Prince slept making it in half hour.. back at the ranch by 11 after a very busy but fun day.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

scored another water tank

Back to marketing on the overcast day but at least no wind. Seeing the lady was to come at noon I finished my main floor vacuuming and cleaning then walked the dogs to open the gate. Sadly she messaged unable to make it 15 minutes ahead of time, oh well the house is tidy and the dogs walked ;)

Now that my daily limited was refreshed I continued submitting the rest of the ads to have all my items for sale listed. Fingers crossed but also thinking perhaps an open house may be in order too. I continued house cleaning of last two days and creating lists for my busy day tomorrow.

The table gal messaged she could come out around 4 which was awesome, she likes the new green table as well and will get back to me. Time to work on a few dressers, the cranberry got the top sanded ready for another coat of paint and the new record cabinet got a good look over and game plan. I think I will strip the veneer on the doors and side and stain dark java stain and then paint the top and legs navy. What do you think?

I had supper ready to hoover down quick when Sheldon got home (late due to his car pool buddy again), he changed quick and we were off to Chestemere to pick up a 1000 gal water tank. It is from a gal who used to live in Oyen and went to school with Sheldon so a quick visit was had and we were on the road home.

The journey home took longer as the precarious round tank was always ready to shoot out the trailer into the traffic behind so required slower driving and a few stops to adjust or add more straps but by 8:30 we made it. We finished off the night with Game of Thrones, finishing the season.. now what to watch?

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

marketing day

Wind wind go away, today the sun shone but the wind howled ;/ I spent the morning marketing, it seems Kijiji is changing the number of free ads you can post. I am now limited to 10 free ads... eekkk I currently have 42, so reposting all before the new date this takes effect (29th). New pictures were in order too for some ads, but they had a 25/day ad limit which came into play

Shaina popped out around 1:30 on her way to work to grab eggs. While here she helped me roll freshly washed horse wraps and unload the record cabinet, thanks Dude. Britt messaged the dogs have not arrived yet at school so she is free of dog wards which required her to stay over this w/e. They will be there for the following w/e though which has her hanging out alone with 4 days off ;(.

super cute right? perfect bar buffet

there is water marks on the finish.. if I wanted to keep it what shall I do

I wrote up my blog for the green accent table and sent it in, it can go live on the 30th and will share on here then. I also posted it for sale on FB and kijiji.

more pictures I shot last night of the details and the storage space

The reposted ads have gotten some interest and when I changed my profile picture on FB, the pink/striped  chair sold in minutes. Crazy as it has been around for some time but unless the right person sees it at the tight time, things get lost. Hence why marketing is a constant job ;)

Sheldon ran late with interviews again today but was home by 6. He changed quick and ran the couple older bales over to Matt's for his cows. The mail he picked up on way home held a few treasures so I did deposits before we ate supper and he retreated to the hockey game. The wind finally died down later in the evening. The ads have generated interest on kijiji too, I have a lady coming to look at the dining table tomorrow ;)

Monday, September 26, 2016

errands and clean up crew

Today is get organized day, starting with soaking the whites, hauling in the horse whites and washing and cleaning out the horse trailer poop. It is another gorgeous day. Time to get Britt rousted, she loaded up the bottles to cash in and was off to her massage before 10. She will not be home from the next 3 w/es so drug it out as long as she could but perfect way to end a hard riding w/e with a massage! I also started working on choosing photos from the near 300 that were taken over the w/e and post on Facebook before I headed to town.

I had won an auction on a record player cabinet that I promised to pick up today so now with a cleaned out trailer I was off picking it up as first stop. A quick stop at the dollar store to see about fake pumpkins to paint was next then to Amanda's. I ordered a new skin care system with her order so she had it in and I got to get some snuggles in.. as well as some bonuses too, thanks Archer!

I quickly stopped at the vets to pick up cartrophen for Diego. His hips and back legs are not holding out with the medical marijuana pellets so back to his shots. I thought about grabbing lunch but Sheldon had lined up a travelling repair man to work on the skid steer at 1 so off I went. Unfortunately the fellow did not arrive till after 2:30! Our awesome egg lady delivered 10 doz eggs ;)

I continued on photos to post and do the blog for last 4 days. Finally the Fusion cranberry dresser blog post can go live now that the colors were announced It hit 25 today, what a run for a lovely Indian summer.

taking more photos was part of my afternoon as well, my fall staging items were deemed too "wimpy" so out came the chunky darker masculine stuff and wahlaa the money shot

Sheldon had more late interviews and then did a walk thru of the rental for the guy leaving and one moving in. He grabbed burgers for supper arriving home at 7. Supper and more GOT, sadly only 2 more episodes to watch in this season ;(

Sunday, September 25, 2016

tournament finals, day 2

Day 2 of the tournament was similar time scheduled but he weather was fantastic from getting up, sun and no wind. Sheldon and I loaded up the duck blue dresser to take along and give to the buyers then Britt and I walked to the far side to catch the horses laying in the sunshine. Again we were out the gate by 10.

Britt had to ump the first game so she was off quickly tacking up Pepper. Brad and Shaina arrived with Tims, THANK YOU! She and I tacked 3 horses while Sheldon showed Brad the ball and racket catch game.


All 3 of us played again at 12 with Britt umping the game right after. Lots of riding for Britt. Kate came to watch Shaina as well, what a nice friend.

warm up

line up were no big deal even the bell boots were less of an issue
and we got the ball a few times too

these are the 3 Australian stock horses that plaid in the tournament, Matt with his "baby" 2, Switch 4 and Shelby and Jinx 6, Jinx and Switch are full sisters

check out this sweaty ump horse, I forgot to say he tried to pitch Shaina off yesterday when she jumped on with

the A team untacked!

Following the busy day, our club kicked back and had a social happy hour in the glorious sunshine before the awards started. Shaina and Brad had to get back tot he city so missed the last part. Too bad as Shaina had a good run on the prizes.

D division winners!  weapons!!

A division winners missing Shaina, more weapons..

 Switch's presentation for top ASH under 5!

and Britt accepting for Shaina for Best A player and horse as well as KD winning top playing horse in both Ranahan tournaments. I was the lucky one to ride her in the June tournament. She does know this game very well and plays hard.

Shaina's haul.. ribbon goes with blanket, banner goes with knife for winning A grade and the flash and shot glasses is for being top player.. weapons AND whiskey hahaha

We again loaded up and drove home arriving about 5:30 back at the ranch. This time the unload is a bit more with lots of dirty whites, empty cans and coolers and piles of other goodies. The evening was so pretty still full of sunshine and no wind but zero effort to walk the dogs say, instead it was eat and watch more GOT while Britt was back to studying staying the night for a massage in the am before heading to afternoon classes.