Friday, September 30, 2016

record cabinet and coffee table

The day started very misty and cool, horses in the mist. Of course I did not haul in the tables yesterday so did it myself this am to wipe off all the dew/rain

I got busy working on some new projects.. the record cabinet had legs removed, got a sanding, a wash down and ultra grip put on the top

the coffee table I picked up yesterday got scrubbed up, sanded down and painted in milk paint

 good bye orange stain

My green table blog post went live today so now can share here as did my long ago cream milk paint dresser.

By lunch the sun burned through, yahoo! Britt was home at 1:30, kindly filled cat food and checked horse salt before retreating to TV room to catch all her PVR shows. Sheldon was home by 3:30 and promptly hit the couch to nap. Time to dig potatoes in the plus 19 sunshine.  I stained the base of the record cabinet before coming in to cook supper.

I stained the back of it too, always looks better

After supper all was dry to paint another coat on the coffee table and add more to the top while Sheldon and Britt retreated downstairs. Unfortunately the water marks remain... hmmm new plan

and here are the blended colors dry, all left to dry overnight well

I wrote up more blog posts and HomeTalk posts and as I was getting ready to head in to watch Netflix the thunder rolled at 9:30.. on September 30th!! crazy then came the rain.. just like David Spence said on the news

Happy big 13 for my sweet nephew Vance today, slow down time, you are passing to fast!
 few years back already.. need a new pic ;)

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