Friday, August 19, 2016

town run #2

Friday rolls around yet again, I was up 6:40 ;/. I did lay for a bit then peruse Instagram then Mom text she found jumping on the Olympics on a channel finally at 7:30 so I got up to turn it on and make coffee. Britt was up at 8:30 to get ready and be off after 9 for her 9:30 salon shift.

 Today's first project was to make Archer's baby present; two art pieces for his bedroom. I picked up canvases yesterday so got out all the goodies and got busy. I had them done by noon! Sheldon needed the skid steer tire picked up so I arranged to catch AJ before her and the kids were off to Oyen. First stop was her place. The art looked good but she could NOT find any nails for us to hang so the pictures balancing on crib edge will do for now. I snuggled Archer and visited with chatty Ada while AJ packed up and got them loaded to head out.

My next stop was to pick up my long awaited hardware parcel!! Now I can finish that tall navy dresser and a few more with all my treasures. I managed to have quite a list of errands and when I hit Sheldon's favorite store Canadian tire for pruning spray I ended up buying a new fry pan (cause it was reg $120 on for $35!!) and a stack of paper plates too due to shelves at the till! The next store took me down hard too, Real Deals Decor.. I made the mistake of looking at a top and the gal says you should try it.. ok.. how about this one and this and before you know it I had tried on about 25 pieces and liked about half. Finally I narrowed it to 4 but my no peeking coupon turned out to only be 15% off 1 thing, darn! Now to get the dang tire and get home.

Sheldon's view not from his office but from his floor of the city

I pulled in about 4:30 just before Sheldon and found Lola in my flower bed trying to get cool & Britt trying to sleep on the couch. Cold beer time as I cooked us some bacon and tomato sandwiches with nachos for supper, it is about balance right.. ;)

Britt and I were then off to ride, her on KD ponying Bird and me on the feisty Switch. The mozzies were at least bearable perhaps cause it has been cooler last few days, todays high was only 21. It was a lovely night to ride. Dr Ty had dropped the medicine for Switch during the day so after the ride and roll, she got it in her feed. Sheldon after his nap came out to the shop as we were feeding. He had drove to High River on route home from work and grabbed the $30 parts so got to working on putting back together. I was weeding and watering when he requested my help again and within no time we had it all lined up and secure. He finished the last few things before coming in to watch football and I worked on computer stuff. The new furniture selling page on FB I offered to admin on sure sucks up a ton of time, almost like my blogs ;) Britt got ready after riding and headed in to Josh's bon voyage party for the evening.

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