Wednesday, August 10, 2016

pots all planted.. then rain! perfect day.. unless you wanted to hay

Even though Sheldon did not let the dogs out and it was quiet as can be, I have no idea why I awoke at 6:50 am after falling asleep after Sheldon was off. I did manage to spend a couple hours trying to get back to sleep then gave up and perused IG while drinking coffee. Once I did get motivated I headed outside in the surprisingly humid warm day. I planted the 3 spirea plants in the island again watering in well along with the other shrubs there. I dug out the volunteer ash tree and planted behind the shop and used the catch water there then pulled it around to the trees by the north side.
 check out this rose bush and the TONS of blooms and buds

here is yesterdays progress, why are the lids in the beds you ask? well they are dog napping deterrents ;)
 here is the island plantings in today.. and the tons of dandelions sprayed last dying

The new plants got a soaking as did the garden trying to use up more water out of the tanks as they say it is to rain today. I watered the new grass and beds in the back and planted the 3 roses. Britt was up before noon and was out riding soon after. I finished the last rose bush and set the sprinkler on it when the rain finally arrived at 1. Britt was just coming in too so both of us had great timing.
 my rose bush planting assistant and below the sprinkler on & rain rolling in as I finished up
Sadly it did not last long or drop much, just enough to mess up the haying plans!

Working on blog updates reminded me of the internet issues not improving so another hour of my life was sucked up with tech support, grrr. But as the call ended at 3:30 the clouds unloaded more rain. Britt was off to work for 4 pm at the salon.

Old  neighbor Richard arrived at 5 just before Sheldon, bringing a 6 pack of bud light platinum (how I wish Canada had the blue bottles not aluminum bottles) to buy a frame from me. In the end he bought 2 before he left about 2 hours later. We had a great visit, always good to catch up with him, thanks Richard for supporting me in my endevours!

A quick supper and nap for the Prince while I updated my Creative Moments page, items for sale album and blog. I also checked rain gauge, 2.5/10ths in the 2 bouts. Britt got home just after 8 to eat her share of the barbecued hot dogs ;) Sheldon had moved himself right to bed before she got home even! Good night sweet Prince!

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