Thursday, August 11, 2016

bit more rain

Again I wonder where the time is going, today is nearly week end. I got a polocrosse data spreadsheet from Paul J so spent a ton of time trying to learn Microsoft Access and fill in the data details.

snapped these yesterday, check out the apple trees, above is a first year tree, wow and below the 4 year old one, if only the birds would leave them be!

Britt was up fairly early and after game and eating headed out for a ride. Ty asked her to work today last night so she got her shift covered at the salon so got ready awaiting his arrival. It originally was 1 then changed till 2. I changed out Switch's sugardyne poultice pad and trimmed her front left foot quick.

Working on plans for next project in the garage proved a bit daunting, I sure cant wait for the hardware to arrive for the tall navy dresser. I did repaint another drawer front and wax it but basically it is ready to put hardware on and go.

Shaina and Brad pulled in around 2 so she and I caught horses and went for a ride while Brad stayed back and shopped online ;). Lola came with us for part of the ride so stuck to the winery but when she went home we headed to Matt's to circle the cows a few times. Of course the sun was out as we left but rain sprinkled down on us as we left and then came back out in full force while at the cows. We untacked and let them roll and were putting them out when Ty finally arrived to pick up Britt just after 3.

Shaina and Brad enjoyed a juicy peach before heading off to the city before 4 as the rain rolled in again! This continued in an on and off fashion for the next hour. I worked on repairing the drawers on the other antique dresser I bought.

Sheldon rolled in around 5:30 stopping to grab a SD card for Grant to put in his drone for the ranch tour someday soon. He checked and we got 2/10ths in todays rain. Britt was back home just after 6 catching the tail end of supper. Then she and I ran down to Stouts to check in on Sharon and Shiloh and of course it started to rain yet again, like a fishing village Sheldon says bringing in another 1/10th.
Shiloh's cut today

I worked on accounting ;( why I leave it so long every time but got most caught up while Sheldon tuned in the dish & watched Olympics and Britt showered and waited for Josh to come out after hockey after 9:30. I am so sad that it is getting dark earlier now, it was not long ago it was still light at 10 now before 9:30. They made popcorn and even shared a wee dish with me ;)

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