Thursday, August 4, 2016

no rain Thursday ;)

Today we awoke to sun and it stuck around all day, not terribly hot hitting only 25 but there was a breeze too. I put a second coat of red paint on the coffee and can you believe it ran out with just one section of the legs left!! UGH  Sheldon continued work on the baler.. used equipment always seems to require work but the price of new is crazy so work it is. This was not quite as field ready as the fellow claimed so the rest of the day was mechanic time.

Britt and I did the usual Shiloh treatments, hosing outside and yard time but her is now getting restless. I started pulling more spent flowers and deadheading and watering, even with all that rain the flower beds and front bed were dry!

After lunch, we all loaded in the merc and were off to town for baler parts and more paint making it in and out in less then an hour. It did not last long once he went to put on the new pickup teeth to find only 1 out of 24 was right, back to town he went. I finished the last of the red painting & got back to yard work while Britt mowed the yard. When dry I put the first coat of liquid wax on, cool stuff, I liked it.
this is how we shop at pet friendly Peavy Mart, wait til Diego gets his turn ;)

We had a late supper once the mechanic came in and showered, he was off to watch football and me to put another sealer coat on. Britt played cookie jam until 8:30 when she headed out to ride KD and pony Bird. Shaina got out as she was cooling them off taking Baby out for a ride in the dark, ate and was off for the city by 10:30. I had Sheldon help me reassemble the coffee table ready to stage and send home tomorrow maybe.

 B rugging up the girls before they go back out into mosquito-ville
 the table at 11: 30 pm

These were from yesterday.. check out where Lola thinks a great place to nap is.. middle of the rain on gravel ;)

this is a trend survey I put on my Creative Moments page, which ones do you love? which ones not?

Today is Auntie Candace's birthday, happy cake day!!

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