Wednesday, August 3, 2016

birthday boxing day

SO the lightening storms lit up the sky though most of the night. I text Mom at 1:45 am to see if she arrived safely home. The rain was off and on but when we awoke it was fully on and lasted most of the morning. Sheldon check the gauge at 9:30 and we had 1 INCH and 3/10ths so far thru the night, yikes! Britt and I went to do Shiloh care, all indoor this am.
his appetite is back and had cleaned up all food so easy to keep him entertained while the stall was cleaned

 Britt's favorite part.. scab removal ;)
time to pull the drain, I clipped the suture then let nurse B do the honors

 then the incision was massaged and all washed well and vaseline reapplied and back in his stall
see the blueberry smelling jolly ball and Himalayan lick Shelby scored for him?
The rain was off and on all day long and of course chilly. After lunch Sheldon and Britt headed out to work on the new baler (Britt took the stall shavings to the pit in the skidsteer) while I got busy on the new custom paint coffee table. Sanding, scrubbing, taking apart and first coat went on. Well at least until the top which after sanding revealed light wood so needed a dark stain and sealer finish to help not show so boldly thru this clear base red.

see the bubbles in the veneer from most likely water damage, then to the right sanded down, then stained and sealed with kukui
the first coat going on, plaster paint in scarlett

I let it dry and got busy making goulash for supper for the hungry workers who came in just after 5:30. The rain let up and the sun came out around 6:30.The rain total was 1" and 8/5/10ths, wow! Britt caught Bird and I came out to give a boost and watch progress in the arena before coming in to finish the top of the coffee table now stain was dry. Shiloh also managed to tear down his jolly ball, what a guy.
 being a clear base it is quite sheer and of course sparkly, this is the gal that bought the silver/gold over white pieces
Josh picked up Britt after 9 (at hockey camp) and they were off to the city for a late movie getting home after 1:30, whew!

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