Saturday, August 13, 2016

everything gets cut down

I enjoy Saturday's with hot coffee and Bailey's served by my Chippendale's prince! Thanks Deb for helping us restock on creamer! It is a great relaxing start to the weekend even if it is only 8. Out of bed by 9, I had Sheldon help me move the bench to the deck. It looks awesome!

the cut field in the morning sunshine
 the hay swath in a thick area and tot he right all 3, new cut oats, old oats and hay

 Time to grease the swather for the rest of the cutting while Britt drug her butt out of bed and off to work for 10 after her very late night gambling.
While he went to grab a rake from a neighbor, I mowed the lawn which is growing.. like weeds ;) When he got back, I had to help with the unloading of said rake, as it required a tractor to lift it and a skid steer then when in the air the truck and trailer moved ahead. I was skid steer and truck driver ;) Soon it was off and with my great skid steer skills I lifted it so he could back in and hitch up then he was off.. after grabbing a cold beer of course as now after 12!

check out the hearing protection and hat/shirt sun protection and sunscreen, yeah me, thanks Deb I love the shirt

I waxed the blue chair, brought in to stage and write the blog up, it will go live Monday ;)

I whipped up fresh guacamole for Sheldon and I for "lunch" with a cold beer then he set off to cut the hay field after debating over the weather forecast for far to long. As we have seen, this year is not normal nor can it be predicted well.

 check out the new replacement "glass" in the tractor door

 hay field and the winter pasture.. swather view

 My OCD got the best of me.. see the raised deck allows the bottom of the bench to be seen walking by.. yes it is all sanded and clean but I cant have the wood color distracting from such a pretty color so yep, I hauled the paint outside and painted it.

 see.. the under side?? can't have that

The garden needed watering as I picked a hill of potatoes for supper, so exciting, this is one hill and I LOVE new potatoes! they will go perfect with the steak for supper.. seems potatoes are only thing I can grow this year, even the zucchini is wee, cant be lack of rain ;)

Britt got home from work at 3:30 and was soon in bed. Sheldon moved to the winter pasture to swath it. I walked the dogs down to deliver a frosty beverage to keep him hydrated. All grasses cut by 6 but since supper was not ready, S hooked up the rake again seeing he had missed a row then hooked
the baler up before coming in for supper. Such a yummy steak supper with our yummy potatoes and dill from our garden, fresh beets and beans from Mom (Hutterite farmer market) After dining Sheldon went to try and roll up a bale while Britt rode and I cleaned up. I stepped in some dirt so finally had a chance to pull out the new little stick vac and it worked well.

seems the baling did not happen, all the twine wraps were tangled and mouse nest filled so broke, now to get the manual and learn how to rethread!! good thing he loves to be a farmer right? ;)

His determination and mosquito swatting skills paid off, at 10 pm he rolled out the first bale in the dark! Only to find that it tied only at the outside ends, oh dear. Time to come in shower and read the manual some more.

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