Sunday, August 14, 2016

drone day

One would think living in the country would seclude you from being woke up by neighbors early on a Sunday, not so! Matt's silage crew was on the move at 7 am Sunday morning and it is LOUD! However it did work as Grant was to drop by at 8:30 with his drone to take some pictures for us. This was only set up at 10 pm last night so this am was a scurry of activity to get the place ship shape.

 up up and away

Sheldon moved equipment around while I took the fly sheets off the fence, moved the poop wagon, hoses & barrels, scooped up the hay in the drive and then we rolled up the lawn mowing area. It was a beauty day for taking pictures and he gave us enough time to pretty up what we could arriving just after 9. Here are some of the shots he got.. THANKS Grant!

 to the east
 home place
over view to the west

The fellows came in to view the video and pictures and visit over coffee. After he was off, we loaded up and went to town. Peavy Mart was calling for new twine and freon for Sheldon and I enjoyed stocking up on a few garden items I had been eyeing up now on sale.

I also grabbed 2 new sprinklers and a body harness for Lola, wahoo! LOVE LOVE a sale. Our next stop was to pick up a free pedestal table. The gal gave great instructions so even though it was second floor in an apartment she had it at the door and we were able to carry it right down the back steps to the truck! Sheldon also took me out for lunch before heading home.. to Mcie D's.. for an angus burger and we shared fries and drink, romantic bugger!

Back at the ranch, goodies unloaded.. Sheldon pulled the tractor up to recharge the A/C while I got to work on weeding the pea gravel path around the house and raised garden area. Miss B was finally up so I sent her to dump the wheelbarrow at the pit. It is hot with 25 and pure sunshine so she retreated back to the house. Now Sheldon was off to start his bale rolling.

 Once I got a couple loads of wood chips put over my weeded area around the roses I added my new gazing ball and stand, ahhh perfect!

isnt this guy cute?

Then it was time to ride, Britt rode last night in mozzies again after I asked her to ride mid afternoon, today she agreed to try the heat of the day. Even then it had bugs but way less. We even bathed Switch which she loved then fed them & let them roll in the sand.

Sheldon finished up the first cut raked rows making 34 bales. Time to enjoy a frosty cold strawberry dacari on the deck.. with the dogs of course.

the big stinky (rolled in something dead) lap dog getting her new harness fitted up by B who does not care about her smell, just her loving devotion

For supper I tried creating beet tops Mom brought us with Paetz's recipe but the vote was for a creamed version next time. It is awesome to have fresh veggies on the plate.

Britt and Josh were off to see Suicide Squad in the city while Sheldon hit the couch claiming relax time after a busy w/e. Hello Olympics. Shaina popped out after work and she and I saddled up and headed out taking 4 horses for a conditioning workout; she rode Baby and led KD, I rode Hawk and led Pepper.

Before she headed home, she grabbed some lawn chairs and an ax for her camping trip to BC tomorrow, have fun missy! I was back to the house in time to move the car for the arrival of another custom piece; a hutch. She also brought me a dining table and 4 chairs as part payment. Not a bad deal, now to get them done ASAP. Now time for me to soak in the tub and relax with the prince but be damned if the rain did not start at 10:30 as Britt and Josh came home to watch TV after the really good movie.

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