Wednesday, July 13, 2016

over an inch of rain and a funnel cloud kinda day

I awoke to a crack of thunder so loud just after 8 I jumped then went to get Coco. Sheldon had put her thunder scarf on so she was doing allot better. Not long after the rain started and came down for the morning. I had the pleasure of spending just over 2 hours on the phone trouble shooting our internet issues which was narrowed down to B's laptop. During this time I rousted Shaina for her dental appointment but she went back to sleep until I told her she had 5 minutes to get there! Seems she made it and got her teeth all shined up.

She showered up and was getting ready to head off to the city when the sun popped out around 1:30. She went to trot her two around but ended up taking a less strenuous route. She even took the time to feed KD her herbs before she darted off after 2 to meet a friend. I put a coat of wax on the coffee table for a bit of shine.

I checked the rain gauge at 12:30 after it had stopped and it seems we got 3/10ths which is great for me not having to water the seeded area and new plants. B got ready for her 3-8 shift and was off to it as I had the house upside down to stage the now finished coffee table which required vacuuming and dusting time. Crazy when I posted on the staging site it seems I got the perfect picture right away.. yeah me!

Posting for sale and more accounting rounded out the rest of my afternoon before the Prince arrived home. Seems he was lucky enough to take in the rodeo this afternoon while at "work" including a lunch out too. After a brief nap he ventured out to grade the road since rained and I dose Switch and checked hers and Bird feet. Back inside around 7 the thunder rolled back in and the rain unleashed. Sheldon spotted this funnel cloud just to the east of us but it must have blew past quick

The rain continued making some good puddles, at least the grade on the new grassed areas shows it runs well away from the house. Britt was home after her shift bringing me a hot chai (THANKS B) and found the new gate having alarm issues. The prince and his umbrella had no solution so had to leave until further research. I checked the rain gauge again around 9:30 and it said an inch in this downpour!!

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