Wednesday, July 27, 2016

another dresser staged

Another hot 25 day, time to get the dresser staged. Sheldon had helped me haul in the body last night so this am after painting the white dresser feet I hauled in all the drawers. I chose to keep the original hardware as the colors went well but easy enough to change to silver or crystal, what ever the works in the customers decor. Staging photos took over an hour, of course suggestions have you hauling out things, and if they are mirrors, they require cleaning and rehanging but eventually I think again I got a good shot.

frame great to match hardware but too small and dreary
 too much of the same colors

 too light 

 no pop with this vase

 and this mirror too pale

 this mirror perfect color but too large

and this mirror just right! mind you I put it back up in between photo angle shots.. UGH

Britt was up at the usual 11 and played games while eating cereal until I forced her out to ride at 1:30. Shaina was going to come ride with us at 1 but is not feeling well today, may ride after work if she even goes.

this is said bat horse ;)

Following the ride, I trimmed Bird's toes back a bit to help one crack while Britt fed both her and Switch then Bird got a hot summer's day bath!

She then got ready and was off to work for 4 pm shift. I was finishing up gluing the fabric to center board of the green frame when Sheldon arrived home (late again ;)) But a yummy steak supper was enjoyed before a brisk walk - due to mosquitoes. Prince helped me set the white dresser on the dolly then he was in bed before 8 tuckered out from a long hot day.. maybe not in his fancy office but outside it was ;) I loaded the drawers all in to take pictures tomorrow in better light then wrote up some furniture blog posts. Shaina did not go to work today so did not come to ride, Friday she says ;) Britt worked out after her salon shift and grabbed milk and cream on way home, thanks B!

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