Monday, June 20, 2016

Full Moon - 1st day of summer

Early up for Sheldon followed closely by me at 8. It was a beauty sunny day, perfect for paver work to continue. The landscaper arrived at 9 ready to roll. I got to work on the dining table staring with a coat of sealer then a myriad of dark brown paint to age and disguise and crackle or marks.

Britt was a slug again till almost noon but eventually went out on the deck in the sunshine to watch OITNB on Netflix. I did con her into helping me set up the temporary fence by the shop and we let Bird, KD & switch out. She then promptly went back inside and fell asleep!

I spent a few hours weeding, watering, transplanting and tree trimming occasionally taking breaks to add yet more paint to the table. I am not sure if I should start sealing it or paint it completely brown, what do you think?
UPS van arrived with a new delivery of paint too ;)
The pups were so hot.. wait till it gets really hot right? So I filled their pool too

I was contemplating my edge process when Sheldon got home at 4:30 from work. He changed and started loading up the discarded rock into the dump trailer to take to the pit. The landscapers need another load of top soil for tomorrow. I walked the dogs to meet him on the way back for the skid steer in the 24 sun. It was now around 6 and the worker was off to town. Britt was ahead of him to spray tan after doing some laundry once she woke up, tough life this kid has heh?

As he loaded the top soil, I made tacos for supper with fresh cilantro and spinach from the garden as a few topping options, so good! Another gorgeous non windy golden evening, I had let all the horses out in the 2 larger paddocks so wen out to capture Baby. She had enough go to run away which worked in my favour as exercise eventually getting caught and returning to the fat pen. Poor girl, if she would only gauge her food intake but she is the fat kid that can't. Sheldon & Britt had a relaxing evening. As much as I hoped to see the full moon, the clouds rolled in and my eyes got heavy by 11, just as it was getting dark on the longest day of the year, hello summer!

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