Saturday, May 7, 2016

most excellent trail ride

Up at 8, I heard chatter chat but it was not until Britt and Kyra came up at 8:15. It was nice to catch up on Miss Kyra's school year in Ontario. She was off by 9 and we got things packed up. Today we are heading out for a trail ride seeing ditch cleaning was cancelled today due to Ft Mac fires. Snacks, drinks, tack and phones were loaded and we were off by 10.

Shaina planned to grab lunch and meet us there along with Connie and Diane. This is the first official Rocky Mountain Polocrosse event. WE planned to meet at Bragg Creek trail head however when we got there it was OVERLOADED with vehicles. A quick decision was made to head deeper into K country. We managed to get a hold of Shaina and meet at the mall parking lot in Bragg Creek where she left the smart car and jumped in. Station flats was the parking lot we chose, it had equestrian loop with hitching posts and all. Once all were tackle up we all set out on what ended up a 4 hour ride.

  the cool wood board walk

 Switch trailing it like a boss

 so proud of this young girls progress!! <3

The day was amazing at 28 full sun with tons of trails to choose from. Ridgeback was the one we chose and it had a few challenging areas, the most memorable that long wood walkway. Miss Switch found it a bit of a perplexing challenge but did great for first time, she mastered crossing creeks and mud bogs like a champ. There was however one mishap about 1 km from the trailers, while loping up a hill, Diane's horse went past me and I could see her tipping to the left. She had lost her stirrup and with weight pushing down on the left the saddle was going over. She came off and the saddle went up the horses belly causing a bucking bolt thru the brush. Britt, Sheldon and I stayed with Dianne and Shaina kept off and followed the horse thru the brush. Connie went back Dow the trail to the road we passed and rode around to try and cut her off. Dianne and I tracked down the brush once she got her breath and senses back and could see Shaina and Diane had caught the horse. Shaina rode Connie's horse back and led the other while Connie met us and we searched for the two missing stirrups lost along the way. Amazingly Dianne found found but with Sheldon adding tot eh search, the other was not to be found. Connie rode the 1 stirrup saddled horse back after getting Diane up on her horse and we made the trek back out. They did not take too long to load up and head out to tend to the wounded. We enjoyed a cold drink and the subs Miss Shaina kindly bought for us all, what a sweet girl, Thanks Lovey!! XOXO

We eventually loaded up the horses and headed east around 5 dropping Shaina at the smart car. We pulled in at 6:30, hosed and fed the horses and hauled the stuff in. Luckily we shut all the blinds but it was still 26 in the house so the A/C got uncovered and kicked into gear. I downloaded pictures and posted while Sheldon went Internet and Britt showered. A hot bath with Epsom salts was soothing on the muscles until I dipped my tree rubbed knees in.. Youch!

Hawk racing around the fence line to greet us

Chubby Baby was sore yesterday and sorer today. I trimmed her heels down to fast it seems so the tendons are sore poor girl. That and the hour conditioning ride after the trim probably did not help. Britt was concerned and had gone out to do an assessment. She was concerned that she may be in distress so in my summer housecoat all fresh and clean I trudged with my bare feet in my cowboy boots. We got her up and had her moving. She was slow and sure off but when saw food she was her usual self. Britt suggested bute which was a great idea but my bottle had no dosage. Thank goodness Dr Ty gave me a quick call to tell me it and do and quick consult. Bute and rest, could do a thick shaving stall but being so hot and alone would be more stressful so she stayed eating hay and waiting for the drugs to kick in.

At 10:25 while hanging out in bed with me s I type today's log Britt calls Sheldon, Dad, will you make me a paralyzer!  Hahaha ok don't waste a can of coke, I'll have one too ;) We all then hit the sheets, what a great exhausting day.. Shaina arrived just after midnight to sleepover for her 9 am shift tomorrow at the golf course to celebrate Mother's day!

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