Sunday, April 17, 2016

Polox practice in 22 degrees in April

So we were up and chugging coffee and eating toast before I went out and caught 4 horses, Britt loaded the tack and Sheldon hooked up the trailer and packed up drinks. We were out of the years by 10:45. Shaina met us at the field and once all tacked up a great practice ensued.

good Daisy, you just stand there and wait for me to take pictures ;)

About 2 hours later we hosed the horses and celebrated with a Cold drink and mini club meeting. Shaina was off to work and we loaded up and headed home at 3 stopping for KFC on the way. Horses released and fed and we dove into the "got to have it once a year" chicken with fries and gravy!

 1917 Model T
Still 21 and sunny, Sheldon and I walked the dogs while Britt fed Bird. Shower and kick back for us all, what a fabulous Sunday!

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