Saturday, April 30, 2016

riding lesson

Sleep in Saturday.. till 9 wahoo! Britt was up and off to her 10 am salon shift. I had 10 am appointment reschedule, but the 11 am would be here soon. I put poly on the coffee table center yet again as I was putting it on the white nesting table. They arrived on time, we loaded the tables and unloaded the curio they have next in line. We discussed paint colors and finish and they took a look thru the items for sale room looking for a mirror while here too. After they were heading back to the city, I finished polying the next 2 tables leaving them to dry as I ran to next appointment. My riding lesson on Switch is at 1, so I threw in my saddle and pad in the merc, grabbed an ice tea and headed off.

Sheldon started watering the trees making it his vigil for the day. He headed off to town after his lunch to fill the slip tank with diesel and stock up on beer and dog food. He also dropped the sprayer off at the rental for the tenant to spray his weeds. My lesson was great, Switch is doing so well and coming along nicely. I was back home just before 3 and Sheldon arrived soon after.

The day was overcast with sun peeks now and then, the wind was a bit blustery but it did hit 14. The bit of rain has sprouted the grass in places so it was time to coif it all up, I started poop & bone pickup so Sheldon could mow. I also put the water on the front planters.. whew she is dry. Britt and I gave Lola a spa day, she loves being brushed.

We moved the temp fence to beside the shop to let the horses clean that area and I put Bird and Pepper in the round pen. Britt rode her once home from work after 4 following the ride up with a pedicure..

The hockey draft pool had Sheldon consumed inside for the next while. Back in the house I cooked up a yummy shrimp sauce with vermicelli, YUM!

The evening turned out amazing.. no wind, sun and my favorite time of day. I convinced Sheldon to come walk the dogs with me. We arrived back at 8 passing Britt and friends on their way out to the city. I filled D's pool again and did a bit of weeding and replanting. Sheldon was back to hockey while I soaked in the tub.

Friday, April 29, 2016

blustery Friday

Friday was yet another overcast blustery day. The custom painted table set still had odd water marks so they got yet another coat of poly cross hatched this time.  I started work on the one set of nesting tables first by scrubbing them down. While they dried I had Britt help me catch horses and put 3 in round pen to mow and 3 in front of the house. At least the wind was warm plus 9. She was then back in the house to read but did cook a pizza for lunch.

The tables all got their first coat, she chose the aurora, white and grey.

 the tables then got a sanding and rewipe before painting
sanded above and first coat below

B spent the day reading, nearly finishing Twilight in one day.  I rousted her to help put the horses back in around 2 then she was back to her book. Sheldon was home early too just after 3. He promptly hit the chair and had a nap. After snoring loudly I had him move to the bed ;) Britt and Coco were napping too so I went back out and put the 2nd coats on the tables.

Leftover supper and Britt took a break to make fresh hot cookies on this dreary day. It did hit 11 but sure seemed blah. Nothing better then cookies. I put on a 3rd coat of white and left them to dry overnight. Another set of nesting tables sold so they got scrubbed up and yes I put yet another coat of poly on just the coffee table, think they will be able to tap dance on it!

Sheldon was off to theater room for hockey, Britt put down her book and was off to hang with Amber and Jason. Seems Jason has an orphan mini she just had to see ;) She did not get home till almost 1 am ol busy B!

I spent the rest of the evening sending photos of past project colors and figuring details with nesting table lady as well as another lady wanting me to do some custom work too. The consult portion of my job takes almost as long sometimes as it does to paint.
this is the last set of nesting tables I have and scrubbed waiting for color decision.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

sales sailing out the door

Wow what a busy day for sales today. My first pick up was just after 10, the wine rack for Whitney picked up by Sharon and Darren on their way to move her to her new place, thanks guys, enjoy stocking that wine rack or should I say unstocking it ;)

Soon after another great repeat customer stopped to check out the nesting tables as she was first in line. She took them and we loaded them up after a visit and quick check thru the items for sale in the storage bedroom.

Britt pulled in from her sleep over as the next gal arrived to pick up the sweet little wicker trunk.

Not long after she left and the couple who had me do the custom glider rocker set arrived to load it up. Wow what a morning, by 12:30 I had lightened my storage load immensely, thank you all for your support!

I continued to work on catching up the blog, accounting now that I can get online and reposting all the expired Kijiji ads.I also had to write up the nesting table blog post for Country Chic. I was able to finally publish the tropical chair blog post. They go in order of submission and a date is assigned when you can go public.. yeah 2 to go.
I did not get much done in the garage but I did get the picture frame waxed, buffed and put back together once glass was cleaned. The day was overcast and blustery, just wish it would rain or be nice again, not too much to ask is it?

I was vacuuming the main floor when I saw another car pulling up the drive.. did I forget a sale? Wait no it is another landscaper coming to quote! Yeah we did our consult and she will get us a quote. This one seems legit, the first dude never replied and the 2nd messaged saying they would pass as mason left ;(

Sheldon was home soon after and not long after Britt was off to town to the gym. He and I had a beer and hamburger nachos for a light supper. I could not leave the tables alone and put yet another poly coat on. Back from the gym Britt went out to ride Bird and pony KD in the brisk wind. Sheldon tossed a bale and set up 2 strips of temp fence for my horse mowing paddock while I scooped the lawn. Back inside I had another sale of to paint stock, another set of nesting tables in teal, white and grey and she paid in full.. today was a great sales day for Creative Moments. Thank you!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

birthday lunch

Diego the bugger wanted out at 3 am then after Sheldon was off to work he thought time to eat at 7! It was nice and sunny then at least but dark to the west. Maybe rain will come, just before 9 as I finished putting the last coat of poly on the tables the clouds rolled back in.
 even Bird gets a rest.. the dark skies had me hoping for rain

I took the truck to town stopping to pick up a wood table from a gal, however it is not quite as described so not sure it will be a project. I made a quick exchange at the dollar store before meeting Coreena and Sharon for my belated birthday lunch at OJ's at 11. Always a good visit with these gals, thanks so much for the visit, the lunch and the great gifts girls! XOXO

The internet repair was moved ahead to 1:30 today so I rushed home after grabbing my free Booster Juice smoothie. Unfortunately he was delayed over 2 hours!! GRRRR Britt was hanging out and had to get ready for her shift at 3. The table couple wanted to pick up tonight so I took some shots in the garage as they are bringing a cabinet to have painted so will just swap. Garage photos not the best but will have to do. Of course I cant leave well enough alone so decided to throw on another coat of poly on the tops.

 I started this coat just as the repair dude arrived after 3:30! Murphy's law of course!  He sourced the problem as the cable cracked. It seems out wiring guy used indoor cable out and it did not fair well. We waited for Sheldon to get home and help figure how to get the new wire from the roof to the control room in the basement. The next couple hours had all of us on the roof, in the attic and in the room. Finally by 6:30 we had success.. and an ugly tripod mounted on the roof but able to get the internet back up and running.

 just a bit windy!

Luckily the sun did pop out a couple times while up on the roof but the wind made the 9 degrees seem colder esp when the clouds were back. It was cool to see the ranch from this view. Tacos, always a favorite, were our supper then relax.. Sheldon back to his hockey and me sorting out all the emails, posts and blog updates missing from last 3 days.

Britt was home around 8:30 bringing me a gorgeous bouquet of flowers in a beautiful jar for my birthday, THANKS B! XOXOXO she quickly packed up a bag and was off to Amber's for a sleepover.

As I was perusing Instagram around midnight a horrible sound came like a dog with foot in a trap howl and Lola barking. I looked out the front door and saw a coyote right across the driveway at the 3 evergreens!! I called the sleeping prince who grabbed his gun but during our install today misplaced my flashlight usually stored at the door. With no way to give him light he took a shot and missed but the thing bolted like a flash and was not heard from again.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

tables 98% done

Tuesday was another overcast dreary day, no real rain as per say but cool. Britt is torn about going to Thailand with her sisters and was in my bed trying to sort at 8. I threw on some coffee and she got ready for work none the farther ahead in her pros and cons. She was all a go yesterday until she asked Sheldon and he said no, save your $$ so now she is hoping someone will decide for her ;) By 9:20 she was off to spend her work day with Ty. I was off to the garage to poly the tables. I also painted a gold frame I picked up last week. I quickly threw in seeds for an ornamental grass I had from before in the turnaround as well, fingers crossed they sprout.

At noon the sun came out now and then ;) I spent the early afternoon putting brown glaze on the tables, they look great. I quickly changed and was off to town to stop at the bank to do polox biz then dash to my hot stone massage ;) When I came out of my massage the sun was in full force so time to grab an ice cap and use my Xmas present from Sheldon, an automatic car wash.

I was back at the ranch just after 4, Sheldon was dropped off soon after. Not long and he was off to town for his massage. I headed back to the garage and fiddled with adding a bit more brown glaze then gave all the table another coat of poly. They are so close to done and I LOVE them! Time to feed miss Bird since Britt is busy being a vet tech today and took off her blanket she had put on her too. I was just finishing up as Sheldon arrived back home with burgers for our supper. Taking advantage of the sun although only a high of 9, we took the dogs on their walk.  I was hopping in the tub as Britt got home at 7:30. The evening was finished up with 3 in a bed hotspotting off Sheldon’s phone. Hopefully this will be the last night as computer repair is moved up to tomorrow afternoon.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Britt turns 19!!

Britt’s 19th birthday was a well needed rainy day, well it drizzled and sleeted too but by noon I checked and we had 2.5/10ths so far this w/e. Every bit helps. I served the princess coffee and a bagel in bed. Unfortunately our internet went out about 9:30 and after trouble shooting and calling the provider it seems it might be down for a bit and the repair day.. Thursday!! What!

It seems town is out of power so guess we are lucky we have that at least, heat is nice on a plus 3 rainy day. I organized photos and did some accounting while Britt went out and fed bird and put on a blanket for the bean pole. 
 before and after.. who loves the mud?? white horses do!

We had a quick lunch (Grama P’s wee dish of potato salad left from the party) then she headed to town for her massage. I went out to the garage, let the dogs in to warm up and I painted the 2 smaller tables each a second coat and waxed the larger one. Once paint was dry I waxed the other 2. Once all dry I brought in to stage.

Britt got home from her massage, showered and got ready to go out. Brooke and Amber arrived around 3:30 and visited until Cassie came just before 4 and they were off to the city again to shop and go out for a birthday supper.

I spent the afternoon working on the custom coffee and end table set; Southwestern style with a twist as they want poly and not the dark wax finish. I got the dark turquoise and brown on then did the light turquoise coat.
 so crazy how lights flash etc change the color

Sheldon was home from work around 5, left overs for supper then he and I planted the ornamental grass Candace brought yesterday. She suggested a chain saw to cut into bunches but first he had to try a spade, then an axe and finally the weapon of choice was the answer. The ground was nice and moist to dig and plant in and soon they were in. The rain registered 3/10ths total over the w/e to date; Perfect to help everything including these new plants.

Back in the house, he headed to theater room to watch hockey and I the garage to keep painting. Britt and the girls were home around 8 so I snapped a few pictures of them to capture Britt’s 19th birthday adventures. Without internet, she was bored so I finished up my painting and came in, Sheldon even joined us for a game of Uno but without the rules and internet to check there was some discrepancies. We all piled in our bed and hotspoted off his new work phone that is loaded with data before calling it a night.     Happy birthday Britty B! XOXO