Monday, April 25, 2016

Britt turns 19!!

Britt’s 19th birthday was a well needed rainy day, well it drizzled and sleeted too but by noon I checked and we had 2.5/10ths so far this w/e. Every bit helps. I served the princess coffee and a bagel in bed. Unfortunately our internet went out about 9:30 and after trouble shooting and calling the provider it seems it might be down for a bit and the repair day.. Thursday!! What!

It seems town is out of power so guess we are lucky we have that at least, heat is nice on a plus 3 rainy day. I organized photos and did some accounting while Britt went out and fed bird and put on a blanket for the bean pole. 
 before and after.. who loves the mud?? white horses do!

We had a quick lunch (Grama P’s wee dish of potato salad left from the party) then she headed to town for her massage. I went out to the garage, let the dogs in to warm up and I painted the 2 smaller tables each a second coat and waxed the larger one. Once paint was dry I waxed the other 2. Once all dry I brought in to stage.

Britt got home from her massage, showered and got ready to go out. Brooke and Amber arrived around 3:30 and visited until Cassie came just before 4 and they were off to the city again to shop and go out for a birthday supper.

I spent the afternoon working on the custom coffee and end table set; Southwestern style with a twist as they want poly and not the dark wax finish. I got the dark turquoise and brown on then did the light turquoise coat.
 so crazy how lights flash etc change the color

Sheldon was home from work around 5, left overs for supper then he and I planted the ornamental grass Candace brought yesterday. She suggested a chain saw to cut into bunches but first he had to try a spade, then an axe and finally the weapon of choice was the answer. The ground was nice and moist to dig and plant in and soon they were in. The rain registered 3/10ths total over the w/e to date; Perfect to help everything including these new plants.

Back in the house, he headed to theater room to watch hockey and I the garage to keep painting. Britt and the girls were home around 8 so I snapped a few pictures of them to capture Britt’s 19th birthday adventures. Without internet, she was bored so I finished up my painting and came in, Sheldon even joined us for a game of Uno but without the rules and internet to check there was some discrepancies. We all piled in our bed and hotspoted off his new work phone that is loaded with data before calling it a night.     Happy birthday Britty B! XOXO

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