Wednesday, February 10, 2016

big bison round up

Sheldon was up at 6:30 and off by 7 heading to the Valley for his big bison round up. He first had to stop in Brooks to pick up a stock trailer. After getting up with Coco at 3:30 and then briefly at 6:30 to say goodbye I got to stay sleeping till 8:30!! And today I awoke with the best "less itch" day in a long time YAHOO!

Again no coffee for me to start the day. I was off to town for a 11 am Dr appt. In typical Doctor fashion I did not get seen for 55 minutes ;) I stopped at Amanda's next to drop a bag of goodies and the key west end table for Travis to take back to Oyen, thanks TJ!! A visit with the kids was fun and they were off to the zoo soon after.

The weather was plus 6 and even became sunny for a short time. I ran around looking for hinges again, grabbed a tea and soup at Tim's and a new prescription. As I was winding up errands at 2 the temperature began to drop and the fog started to roll in. By the time I got home at 2:30 it socked in soon after.

I spent the rest of the after noon working on my frame craft. In the end I am still undecided but did come up with a great idea for my craft frame, totally different the expected yet again. Stay tuned for it but it involves sparkle!

Sheldon messaged at 5 he had successfully loaded his 2 bison and on the way home. Dad had went down and gave them a hand with round up, Sheldon was glad for his help, thanks Dad! He arrived home at 8:30 after dropping them at the butcher.
sunrise on the road trip

 Papa holding the trip wire.. Thanks for the help and showing Sheldon the ropes!
some of 30+ herd  ...below big fellow safely unloaded at the butchers

For my one craft frame I needed a backing in the shadow box, burlap, no satin.. so messaged a local wedding dress maker. I also then thought lace over stain.. wait Grandma's doilies.. which led me on a search and I found my Great- Aunt's (who happened to be my Godmother as well) hanky collection she left me. Oh my, there were so many pretty ones. Many she had pinned info as to who from and the year she got it. There was one that is 131 years old!! So now I am going to display a few of my favorite.. but on to research the best way to preserve the material.

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