Thursday, February 11, 2016

another long city day

Coffee and a shower get the day underway, before 11 we were on the road heading to the city with a very long list. As always, I like to do my errands in a smooth harmonious order to create a smooth flowing day. For the most part we did but there were a few wrong turns that added some twists.

One of the big missions was to purchase a new freezer so we took the beast, A 1 ton in the city is sort of like the hulk in a china shop but in the end it was needed. We scoped out a few big box stores to see pricing and sizes on the way across the city to my naturopath appointment. We fine dined at DQ quickly before it. Sheldon relaxed in the plus 6 sunshine till I had all my new supplements and plan. Today my rash was even a bit better ;)

Off to Market Mall to see the beautiful eldest daughter briefly at her work establishment, grab a new longer iPad cable and stop at the Saje store. A quick drive by to Planet Organic for some more health goodies then off to Handles & More where we FINALLY found hardware for the jumbo armoire. NOTE to SELF, check missing hardware before purchasing a piece.

I have a world map that I have wanted to hang for a log time, today we found wood at Timber Town, aspen to be painted white. Sadly when we got home 2 of the lengths were warped.. GRRRRR NOTE to SELF.. check before leaving store.
Now off to an electrical place for light cages.. no luck. Sheldon dropped me at a furniture store while he ran to buy his gun however he came back fuming mad. Seems the dropping $$ put the same gun he looked at late December $250 MORE now, WTH! He did not buy it needless to say. A couple wrong turns and we found Trail Appliances and finally scored a new upright freezer.. but not in stock at that location, it was however in the south. $20 taken off for gas to PU there was a nice gesture. Wow, the new chest freezers have amazing organization but we have more height then width to spare.

Time for a refreshment and snack so Bootleggers Sports bar with the charming Miss Shaina as our waitress. ;) Thanks Dude, nice place, good food and drinks. Now to get to the south and load this freezer! There was also a 1/2 stop/search for salt required for Sheldon's new project.. tanning his bison hide! Once he finally found it we made the SLOW drive home (not wanting the new freezer to become scratch and dent) detouring thru town to pick up the head and hide and FINALLY arriving home after 10 pm!

The dogs were super happy to see us as it was now hovering around 0 and D needed his heated garage floor. My Country Chic paint package had been delivered (not sure if he just tossed it out with the 2 big guard dogs) and it was like Christmas with all the goodies in it. I unloaded and got stuff settled while Sheldon unloaded bison and finished the hockey game. He did head out around midnight to start the fleshing out process on the bison while I caught a couple Downton Abby episodes.

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