Wednesday, January 6, 2016


First work/school day of 2016.. good luck Britt, tomorrow Sheldon is off to start first 2016 shift at Sunshine. Today though was a slow day at the ranch. The sun was nice and it hit PLUS 1 which is awesome but the news says big changes coming this week.. dang it!

It was not till after lunch anything productive was done other then marketing and blog updates for me. Sheldon rolled out another bale for the horses while I organized the storage room restacking all Xmas boxes and such.

Poor Sheldon's cough and sniffle is getting worse so he stocked up on syrups and pills to take back and tried a few naps. We did manage to fit in a few episodes of The Last Kingdom to round out the day. Only 2 episodes till finished.


Off on a later flight, Sheldon made it safely up north once again to start 2016 shifts at the now oil flowing station. I managed to sleep in once he was off and until D needed out, yeah! It was now time to get back to work. The unique table got more sanding to start. The interest in the little kids set from yesterday was confirmed so I gave it another coat of poly on the top. She also ordered a custom painted spice rack after loving Shaina and Sharon's so it got scrubbed up ready to paint.

The coffee table got scrubbed as well as the latest oak table I acquired.. I have plans for it once my Cece Caldwell rep package arrives.

Marketing took up the rest of my day, some interest so hoping reposting most on Kijiji helps as well as trying to stir up sales on Facebook. Scandal rounded out my evening.


Wednesday was a get up and get feeding dogs and sending out before they spent the -14 day inside. I was off to town around 10:30 to grab some Benadryl for the incessant rash from something, grabbing a tea and heading to Hanna. The next 2 hours driving were uneventful, usually there is a storm of some sort.. unless you call thick fog for half hour long before Hanna as treacherous ;) Then I spent the next 3 hours in the dental chair with a major bridge prep for excitement. At least I got to catch up on everyone's lives while there. I mailed a parcel only to meet an old friend working there which was nice then grabbed a bag of Miss Vickies (my first meal of the day hahaha) only to find the prices in Hanna grocery stores to be the same as that of their convenience stores!! Take me back to average price Strathmore please.

I stopped at Walmart on the drive back home to restock dog food, OK and some ripple chips with dip ;) and grabbed a burger for supper. Back at the ranch by 6:30, it was ground hogs day of dog feeding and letting out and back in minus Lola. Today was my travel day, much like Prince Ali's and was tuckering. I had called him on the way to find him in his room in bed having called in sick today with the cold worsening over night. I sure hope he took all germs along with him! After eating my burger and updating the blog I think I shall crawl into my cozy bed and catch up on more Scandal episodes, cheerio folks!

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