Sunday, January 3, 2016

day 4 of nights out!

Sleep in Sunday, I was up to let Diego out at 10 but Sheldon slept till 11! Britt did not surface till closer till noon ;) I enjoyed an hour visit via phone with Coreena and a coffee, always good to catch up.

After lunch Britt went out, caught Bird and rode in the arena. I think her plans of riding much more during her days off were squelched due to winter finally hitting but today at -4 she bit the bullet. She has all her laundry folded and stuff ready to head back to the new semester today.

I flogged B and S to help finish the last two horses feet. B opted to catch Julio and feed him while Sheldon held the 2 while I picked and trimmed. More hands make light work even if it is just holding right? 7 of them are all done now letting my back heal till next time.

Tonight is day 4 in a row of going out for supper, pretty good way to start the year. Sheldon and I headed to town to Paetz's and Britt soon followed after loading her car up ready to head back to school. Craig pan fried some steaks to go with Amanda's delicious baked potatos and sides, yummy. Britt was then off before the birthday cup cakes came out to celebrate master Asher's 5th birthday!

 Ada practicing with her nose and ear plugs I gave the kids

The enjoyable evening wrapped up around 10:30, thanks for the great meal and visit Paetz family! The temperature was only -2 heading home after being -12 on way in. Back at the ranch we finished the series Blood & Oil and started season finale of Quantico but I could not stay awake, tomorrow perhaps ;)


  1. Sounds like a great party for Asher - guess we didn't rate an invitation to his or Mya's;-(

  2. this was our belated Christmas.. just so happened it was also belated Asher Bday too ;)
