Thursday, January 21, 2016

chinook rolls in

Seeing the Schitt's creek episodes are only 21 minutes long I did watch a couple more after I posted last night, still not sure about it but do have a few chuckles. Diego decided it was time to get up at 7 today, bugger.

It did help paint project progress. The chair I scrubbed thinking I would do in the new purple had a last minute change to my very first chalk paint color, confidence. I put 2 coats on planning to keep it fairly solid in color as this will really be a statement piece.

The jewel box got 2 coats of the new sugar plum, again opting for solid after trying a distressed look.
I did head out in the plus 2 weather and put away the washed up horse blanket and Christmas greeting sign as well as snapping a few pictures of the panther for Sheldon. Seems without anyone riding it, space could be better used so it will be put up for sale ;(

The egg lady delivered 9 doz eggs, next month the price goes up to $3/doz due to increase in chicken food. Still not bad for free range eggs as others including neighbor Matt sell for $4-5/doz already. Kaylin joined me for supper and quick visit, dropping Grand-dogger Lexi off while she and Shaina visit New York City this w/e.
I put first coat of poly on the jewel box then retreated to my bed with cuddle buddy Lex to continue my Netflix shows. Looks like the chinook is here for a bit, still plus 2 when I shut the lights off.

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