Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Rose chair is DONE!!

Sheldon was off to the airport early and I awoke at 8 to a fog like hoar frost morning. It hit -7 last night and still pretty brisk. Time for coffee and chair progress.
 starting with the chair back
 tip.. iron your pieces for a crisper cleaner look
 I could not find white headed brad nails so tried to make my own
 the base needed a makeover so got a few fresh coats of white paint and wax

I took a break to walk the dogs and meet the candle pedestal 2000 likes giveaway winner at the gate. Thank goodness for insulated coveralls as it was -5! I was lucky enough to have all the fixings for a BLT for lunch left over from Chef Shelly yesterday, THANK YOU!
Then it was back to the darn chair. The base got a couple coats of white paint then waxed. I am always thinking outside the box and for creative ideas so came up with hot glue for the curvy back. It is a great idea but as I ate my sandwich and looked at chair back base I saw staple marks.. DAM.. ungluing the bottom side was much harder then gluing it for sure.

only issue was new power brad nailer shot crooked and snagged the material, dang it but minor in big picture, By 1 the sun came out!! By just after 2 I was done the chair!!! triple yeah!! so glad it is done. 

and this was all that was left, not so bad in the end but biggest lesson, NEVER trust the original pieces for your new pattern!

I loved the next part to, putting all my tools and such away needed to create the chair, vacuuming and making the house look like it was just cleaned again! It did warm up once the sun was out to plus 1 and even melted a bit but soon dropped back down to below and got cool.

I finished updating the contest blog, sent in full to the leaders and then posted it on Facebook contest page, Hometalk and Pinterst. All of course takes up loads of time but the challenges the contest provides and the fantastic sponsors make it worth the effort. To see my blog write up for the contest with more photos and details click on my link here. or shorter version on Hometalk!

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