Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Remembrance Day

Diego wanted to join the coyote brigade at 4:30 and whined until early morning when I made him stay out. This along with the coyote patrol every half hour and high winds made for a lack of sleep. Ok that and staying up past midnight watching more Wentworth did not make for a chipper awakening. Finishing up the big chair project too had me in a mental drain even with my flavored coffee. Marketing and new business card design were the morning projects ;)

I had my own few minutes of silence to honor all those who fought and who are fighting for our freedom, THANK YOU!

The sun peeked thru around lunch taking the edge of the frosty morning. It popped in and out all afternoon hitting plus 5.. this melted most of the snow.. hmmm not sure what to say on that end as the muddy look is not my favorite, esp with 3 dogs ;)

I scrubbed up Auntie's chair and bookcase and once dry they got painted in the same pretty navy color that other one was done in.

I then gave the faux tiles a go but the vague instructions provided about as much challenge as reupholstering! Seems the gals selling the kits want you to attend their how to class as well ;(

I was also wanting to share another item from the womens show I enjoy, the chai wallah girls demo their chai honey with UNSWEETENED chocolate almond milk for a yummy warm drink. I thought it perfect for Miss Kaylin and her lactose intolerance. I had unsweetened coconut almond on hand and it tastes good too. Perfect drink enjoyed while watching more Wentworth episodes.

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