Friday, September 25, 2015

windy sunny Friday

Friday.. home day for Sheldon and Britt and Shaina is staying tonight as well ;) The day was sunny and 24 but WINDY, a warm drying harvest wind but windy no less. After giving Bird her last dose of sulphur meds I put her, Pepper and Julio in the round pen. I started yard clean up pulling weeds, harvesting more seeds and cleaning out the dog pool and refilling with fresh water. Time to also drain the tanks so started tree watering too.

The high hit 25 around noon but dropped to 17 in the afternoon. I restaged the end table and did some marketing... come on buyers.. make me some offers ;)

While moving the water I heard Lola charge off and sure enough a coyote was right in the paddock between the horses, she got very close and moved him off then laid in the field holding her vigil for about an hour after.
Britt was home before 4 but hit her bed for a nap. Sheldon was home by 5 just in time to enjoy my home made meat sauce over garden fresh spaghetti squash.

After supper Britt hosed Bird, I made up the last food using up uniprim and we applied the TTO/ salve before letting her and Pepper out with the herd. 16 days of quarantine and she is finally free ;) Julio however hurt his leg rushing to get his food so he is on a slow hop along.

Sheldon donned his covies, changed a knife section on the swather and took a few loops around to open the field.
After a long 10 days and travel day, he hit the sheets by 8. I read for awhile before Shaina got home around 9:30 after work. Britt joined us for a visit before they were off watching TV and I got back to my book.

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