Saturday, September 26, 2015

oats swathed again & fall yard cleanup

Saturday sleep in.. till 8:20! ;) But this was over 12 hours for Sheldon, HAHAHA. A customer and her family popped out to drop off a dresser base they want painted, color choice and a visit followed as she was the girls elementary teacher and a great one at that. Final color choice.. purple.. haha not husband's first choice but it will be lovely.

Next order of business, getting Britt up to get on the swather. Sheldon took a couple rounds while she had coffee, toast and got ready. She took over at 10:45 and put in 7 hours! Sheldon then grabbed the weed eater and chopped the knee high grass around all the tree bases, YEAH. I cut back a pile out of plants in the garden/flower beds then fine tuned all the trees he weed eated. I trimmed branches and pulled extra grass making them all look great. I also got the water going from 2 of the big tanks going.
Sheldon and I loaded the horse trailer with recyclables, finally after my great sorting the huge pile is now moving out of the garage. The trash got dropped at the dump as well as some recyclables (apparently only cardboard, news print and tin actually gets recycled according to him). Diesel fill for truck and gerry can for swather were next in line then off to recycle depot.. after all our drop offs there was 2 sweet items at the take it or leave it, hard work pays ;)
a wee tea pot for B and a blue glass vase for me.. still with a $35 price tag.. I LOVE blue glass!

A wrong turn on our way to EDO ended up being a good idea. Sheldon's favorite store, Canadian Tire was packed. As we pulled through a CT rep called thru the window free lunch. Burger, popcorn, a bag of chip and a pop were offered all FREE! Homeward bound!

I walked the wheelbarrow to the pit meeting Sheldon on way back, he was off to start moving 8 bales back to the house. I closed gates and moved mineral/salt buckets to far shelter closing off the one paddock for bale storage and regrowth and filled the water trough. The day had a bit of rain sprinkles but late afternoon it became beautiful, only 15 but with sunshine and no wind it felt like mid 20's!
 a flower seed took hold in the pit.. beauty in unlikely spot for sure

I DECONSTRUCTED a table on the deck, planning to use the top for a jumbo clock. I also put away all the garden decor in the shed as Britt pulled in with a lost guard requiring Sheldon's repair expertise. We hauled all the deck furniture to mez storage as well ;( She got back up and running and finished the field at 5:30, after a rest she did head out to hose and green cream Bird before hitting the basement claiming feeling crappy.

 new beer bottle opener installed in the barn
barn board beside other two

Sheldon gathered thin poles to start our temporary fence around the house while I prepared supper
  check out the nice rows of fresh cut oats behind
What a busy day with so much done!! Only thing I love about fall is the cleanup and tidying. Steak supper and hot soak...studying for B and TV for us rounded out the exciting Saturday night.

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