Monday, September 14, 2015

inch of rain

The rain came down through the night and continued thru. Diego had spent the night in garage and wanted out at 7:30 but clearly rethought his choice with all the rain. Sheldon and I enjoyed a sleep in till 9, yahoo.

It was great to have a creamed coffee and iPad time to slowly get going. I got dressed, threw on coveralls and boots and trudged thru the puddles to catch and hose Bird. The cold hose always chills her so into the barn and layered on a couple blankets. I had Sheldon hold her and her feed bucket I had meds in while I continued cleaning wounds and applying cream. Most are healing well, the largest is still oozy and perhaps infected but the meds should help. I finished it off with her bute and took her back out to join Julio. I took out hay for both and feed for him too. I checked the rain gauge at noon as I headed back into the house and we have had 3 cm in last 24 hrs. The rain let up soon after lunch.
Sheldon got to work changing oil in the platinum before he was off to town for a massage. I spent indoor time uploading family pictures to the blog and Facebook. I know a couple of my beautiful daughters want a do over and I am not opposed but the pictures are us as we are so for now they will have to do ;) Mom and I also got Britt's bursary application papers sent to her and printed to hand deliver to Oyen legion, THANKS Mom!
still able to hang with the cool kids while quarantined
We hit a high of 10 today, geez Louise. Back from his massage and errands Sheldon brought us a hot chai, yum! perfect on this dreary chilly day. After supper we walked the dogs and I hosed Bird and applied cream. Sheldon finally added some anti slip slats on the ramp into the barn and filled the horse trough and hauling a bale to garden shed for me. It was not long and the rain started to drizzle again.
 yeah right Britt?

Reaching the end of days off, Sheldon was asleep by 8:30 as I read. As I closed my ebook off at 9:30 and just started to drift he awoke with a start remembering he left the trough water on! Out in the now actual rain to shut off and wide awake ;/ Lola had one alert that we both headed out to listen and scan for beady eyes with the flashlight but no luck so eventually off to sleep.

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