Tuesday, September 15, 2015

back to painting

Sheldon was up and off in the dark at 4 am, rain had stopped but he said off and on on the way to airport. I was up at 8 with a phone call, a hoax scam too grrrr. The dreary cool 7 degrees does not draw one out of bed to fast but eventually I was up and made coffee, fed dogs and ready for the day. Craw into my lined coveralls and off to be the animal doctor. Bird's wounds are looking a bit better each day. She is however tired of the hosing portion but it gets done then the long task of eating her meds. She is a slow eater to start but eventually with adding more goodies I get most in. Cream applied I put her back out with the now fed Julio and toss them fresh hay. I forgot to send out a big thanks to Dr. Jody for her huge hand in helping with Bird's recovery answering all my questions so fast and monitoring thru the photos I send her. THANKS!

 before hosing and after wound cream
I tried hard to get a picture of her med covered muzzle, looks like a little kid with pudding everywhere ;)
I checked the rain gauge and another 1/2 cm was overnight, the trees are watered in well this fall. I took the eager dogs for a good walk before heading in to wash the coveralls after a busy week.

By 1 the sun came out ;) and hit 12. I took Bird's blanket off mid afternoon while the first coat of paint dried on my end table. Once dry it was sanded then about 45 minutes to polish the original hardware back to its gold luster.

before and after distressing

 before and after polishing
Amanda and Asher stopped quick to borrow Sheldon's bear hat for a pattern and school update and a bit later Sharon stopped to drop off a reference letter for Britt and quick visit too. I put the first coat of wax on then headed out to hose and cream Bird while still a bit warm and sun out at 7. By 8 the sun is gone, how sad! Hot bath and a date with Netflix rounded out my evening but not before changing sheets to flannel and starting up tranquility essential oil diffusing for a restful spa atmosphere ;)

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