Saturday, August 8, 2015

sales and finishes

Sunny Saturday, August the 8th! Six years ago I was the maid of honor to this amazing couple, Happy Anniversary you two love birds.

I waxed the cream growth ruler again and added a hanger as the gal is coming this am to pick it up then waxed the smaller dresser. Britt was up and off to a ball tournament as I was buffing dresser and installing new hardware. Time to haul it in and stage as it is finally done.

The growth ruler lady stopped in town and bought my table set as well before stopping to grab ruler.;)
Now since Sheldon had 5 weeks off in July, I was able to skip mowing lawn but with all this rain and him back at the grind, it was necessary for me to don my hat and get out and mow down the yard. I do love a freshly mowed lawn though so it does look great.
Rest of my afternoon was spent in the garage dark waxing the tall antique dresser and painting a barrette holder for Ada.

I caught Pepper and tried a new thrush buster on his hooves as well as tweaked them a bit more but found now they have some bruising in the hoof wall ;(. The warm weather has  seen the salt/minerals  deplete fast so I stocked up one for the herd. The day got hotter as it went along and of course I took the dogs on a super long walk when it hit the high of 27! But there were fewer mozzies at least.  Before hitting the shower and put the hardware on the dresser and gave the barrette frame another coat. B decided to stay the night at the tournament so it was just me and the pooches ;)
 a storm was brewing to the west with rain falling and sunshine but never hit the ranch

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