Friday, August 7, 2015

jetta gets recalls fixed

Friday awoke to sunshine, yahoo and about 1/3 cm of rain last night. This makes puddles to navigate while walking the dogs. Lexi even found a horse pie to roll in requiring a bath before noon.
Britt's jetta had recall work so off to the city we went around noon. We were early enough to stop at Greenhawk, a horse store where Britt found yet another thing she needed for her horses ;) The dealer had us shuttled to Chinook mall where we spent the next couple hours shopping. Britt scored her new college iPad getting yet another thing checked off the "need for college" check list.

Once back at the ranch, Britt changed and caught Bird and KD, she took them for a conditioning ride while I walked the pack again, just call me Caesar Millan ;) Bird got a fine tuning trim once done by me while Britt held her food bucket, what a pampered pony. All 4 of the pack hovered of course for any hoof bits they could scrounge! lol

Tonight's supper was a vegetarian one with sauteed kale, sauteed zucchini and corn on the cob, delish! Britt topped it up with ham (Thanks Grama Pat) and some blueberries too. What a gorgeous evening.. holy cow!! It hit high 24 but not until late afternoon making for great day.

tuckered puppies resting

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