Saturday, June 20, 2015

Sadie gets picked up & RAIN

Saturday sunshiny morning found Britt off to work for 10 and a round of coffee to get us rolling. Today is practice at Glenmore field at 1 but we are meeting Shaina there by 11:30. I caught KD & Hawk while Sheldon grabbed Pepper (out for first event of the year and first ride after his shots) and had them loaded and off. Shaina took over horse care as we borrowed her Jeep and were off to the Mercedes Benz dealer to do the walk thru and final paperwork.
About an hour and a half later we were off to the polox field. Shaina had Hawk tacked up and riding him while loaning KD to a new guy, Sheldon got Pepper and tacked him up and the afternoon commenced with him conditioning and me joining in on the play.
Of course there was happy hour after hosing horses and letting them eat but a cloud burst had us quickly loading and heading home. I stopped to gab us supper giving Britt a call in on the deal and enjoyed my new ride home. Britt called part way home to say it was hailing and pouring rain and with Sheldon ahead 15 min, he was able to update just rain as he was getting closer and by the time I got home it rained only 10 min close to home but not at home. Just enough to make "Sadie" all messy.

Britt helped unload the horses and was just coming back as I pulled in. She was sad to report Ralph has not been seen in a few days and did a check of possible places he might be locked in with no luck ;(  The subs were quickly hoovered down. Britt had picked up oil change supplies after work so Sheldon and her did the Jetta's first oil change. I put some things in the new MB and waxed the cupcake table yet again and added drawer liner to Hannah's large vanity drawer.
Britt was dying to go for a ride in the Benz so we loaded up and headed to the river. The campground is finally opened and Brooke works at the ice cream shop there. Funny thing, they only take cash at the ice cream store and I was the only one who took a wallet.. with no cash! Brooke covered us till she picked up Britt after her shift ended at 9. Sheldon drove part of the way back and thru Speargrass for his trial then B took the wheel to get us home. She quickly got ready to go with Brooke to the hussar cabaret.

We enjoyed a relaxing rest of our evening and celebrated a rain storm that rolled through full or thunder and lightening, it ebbed but returned with a nice rain awhile later and was still raining when Britt got home around 12:30. yay!! rain!! what a beautiful sound..  Coco may disagree ;)

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