Monday, June 22, 2015

fields sprayed & Baby home

Early wake up call at 6:30 from the spray company then the fellow did  not arrive till 7:30. Sheldon met him out front to give directions as to what he wanted sprayed. The fellow took just over an hour to spray 60 acres. In the meantime, Sheldon ran his truck to town to drop for a warranty issue having the courtesy car run him back to enjoy more coffee. By now it was 9 ish so he brought me a creamy coffee too.
Sheldon's next appointment was to get a new window in the boat so he was headed back to town for it at 10. Britt got up and eventually after much prodding so did Shaina.  Both had a bite to eat and then it was time to get busy. Britt studied for a bit while Shaina and I trimmed KD's feet. B caught Bird and soon we were tacked up and practice began.

Sheldon now had returned with the truck, not repaired but part ordered. He worked on weed eating the fence along the drive while we worked the ponies. It was a beautiful day, wow, good thing we did this early as it was about 19 but reached 24 later in the day.

I cooked up chicken wings for lunch.time to hook up the truck and trailer and get started organizing for Colorado. Shaina got bumped to 3 so once got herself ready, jeep unloaded she didn't have time to help. She did however give Sheldon a lift back to town yet again to get the car, which he moved to next appointment for its diagnostic appointment finding it needed a coil so left it there.

While we had lunch, the family that had Baby called to say that thru no fault of her own they would like to return her. The niece who is not a confident rider,needed an old nag. So as Britt and I were cleaning the trailer living area out and just were going to trim Switch' feet when she arrived. Britt happily took Baby back to her paddock and moved Julio back as well and once I had finished up visiting with the lady we got busy finishing Switch's feet. Britt now was off to study for her last diploma test of grade 12!

Sheldon arrived back with the Buick enclave having picked it up from the near week in at the dealers. It is now had rotors replaced, transmission lines and the sensors fixed but has to go back to dealers Thursday to pull the transmission for recall work. Looks like it will be a whole new car when done, yikes.

Our afternoon and evening was consumed with the tack room. Sheldon made a headstall halter rack so I could get things hung and up out of the way. We also took out a useless cabinet section, cut down the arborite and hung the upper cabinet too. Britt had to pop out now and then to see progress and give us a hand. She scrubbed feed tubs up to fill and move to another area of the barn.
Most of the tack was moved out of the garden shed and relocated to the tack room, I also hauled all the tubs from the garage and put in my "new" tack trunks. Both these areas will need reorganizing but that will have to wait until after the swamped 3 weeks coming up. It is a great feeling to get most of the tack in one secure room and the essentials in the trailer for the big trip.

At 9 I headed in to start some supper. It was such a fantastic night and hard to believe so late. You would never know as it was just like noon outside. It is however now on the increase to shorter days having summer solstice last night but who wants to think about that. Sheldon wrapped the big tank in black plastic to prevent algae build up and joined us for the very late supper.
He kicked back and relaxed after multi appointment day while Britt studied between online poker games (takes after her father) and I had a refreshing shower and worked on this darn blog. I know why we got a new computer as the old one has its limits. Pretty happy to pick up the main one tomorrow now it is fixed (hopefully) I finished up the blog update around 1 am with the sounds of snoring nearby to lull me.

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