Sunday, May 31, 2015

lovely hot Sunday last day of May

Sunday, what a beauty day. I enjoyed a coffee while cruising the internet a bit then out on the deck.
 did I say I love my comfy bed and new sheets, makes it hard to get out
 but I thought I would see what my nightstand had stocked, what you think Shaina? ;)

my coffee crew
It was then time to get busy in the garage top coating the night stand. While It dried I ventured outside putting Hawk in hobbles to mow lawn while I did the crappy poop picking duty. Some of the new trees got some water as did the grass and the garden once a lady stopped to get some perennials I had to share. I moved Hawk and brought Switch too, to the round pen to mow in there.

He was not to sure about them, for the most part I would go remove, mover him to a new area and put back on ;)

Lola tries her darnedest to win the horses over, great chance when Hawk is hog tied I guess but as soon as I approach I get the "please rub my tummy"

Back to the garage to glue the next project and start glazing the nightstand. The dresser couple arrived promptly at 2;30 as they always are. We loaded and visited but as I was closing the garage door as they drove away I saw the mirror. I grabbed it and ran out trying to flag them down as they meandered down the driveway. No luck So I threw it in the back seat, ran inside grabbed the keys and raced after them. As luck would have it I had to wait for a truck & trailer and a car so ended up even farther behind but managed to gain on them by Glenmore corner and honking and waving they finally stopped about the 24 corner. Apparently they were just discussing who put the mirror in so perhaps I could have waited but it is all about the good customer service here at Creative Moments.
Once back home I finished glazing and updated blog quick while waiting for Britt and Shaina to arrive. Today along with a bit of conditioning is a wee practice or at least that was the plan. They arrived home, changed and we were off enjoying the 26 degree heat. It was a challenge riding in this since it is only May and a bit of a change but it was fun.

We found Lola and Switch both like to get the spongy balls, note to everyone, do not leave unattended or they may be $40 bits of sponge. I made us tacos while the girls fed all horses hay, thanks girls. I jumped in the shower before PVR time while Shaina had friends over to shoot pop cans and visit and Britt chilled. Another all round great day.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

nightstand and a surprise project

Saturday was unsure if it should be sunny, only occasional brief moments had a glimpse of the sun. Britt was off to work for 10 as I enjoyed a coffee and catch up via phone (rare thing I know) with a great friend. My morning project cannot be revealed at this time as it may be a gift ;) I also set up the big chunky coffee table ready to paint.
The afternoon I finished it up and while drying I went out to deadhead peonies, shrubs and water planters. The horses got their feed as well. I answered many inquiries after posting Baby for sale on another site. Hopefully the right person sees one of the posts/posters and is that one.
The recent nightstand I scored got a scrubbing and the drawer holes filled. When it dried I started painting it, my french blue with medium distressing. At the last minute I decided that the knobs I was going to use did not suite it so grabbed the cast iron pulls I bought and they fir perfect, out came the hole plugs.

Britt got home from work, had some snacks, showered up and was off to the city. Tonight they are celebrating Shaina's birthday and Britt is now legit to join, have fun girls!! She is staying the night too.. uber fun time.

Gorgeous night, the sun was shining and little wind so out I went, walking the usual troupe, filling horse water as we went, once back around I tossed a bale to all the poor actually starving now ponies and filled the mineral/salt tubs. These nights are just perfect with horses quietly eating, cats sunning themselves, the sky a brilliant sun setting color wash... oh yes then Lola racing around ;)
my fancy bracelet.. ok actually just hauling it from the gate where Sheldon left it back to the house

Back to the garage to sand the nightstand top repair and paint it up and distressing the drawer that was now dry. Sure felt good to get back at projects. Hopefully the dresser is picked up tomorrow so I can get painting the big coffee table.
 left is before distressing and right is after
 noticed another repair so it is glued and will be dry in am to finish up

Friday, May 29, 2015

TGIF and a bit of rain

TGIF, Britt got home late and slept late but made it to school on time. I got a coffee on the go as had a returning customer stop bright and early to pick up this chalkboard shelf. Not long after I got a text to pop over to a neighbors for coffee, yes please. A great visit ensued as 3 proud moms shared grad stories ;) Thanks for hospitality Rhonda!
Around 1 Shaina text she was on her way out, she was home when I arrived back. We grabbed a quick lunch then went for a nice conditioning ride. The day was breezy and threatening but nothing happened till just after we were done and Britt arrived home from school. Even then it was just another wee wetting of the dust. We visited while I made supper, Shaina also fit in time to vacuum her vehicle in the garage while Britt perused more cars online. Sausage supper is always a hit and after done Shaina loaded up and was headed back to the city before 7.

Time to snap a few pictures of the finished dresser. Unfortunately I did not have the best light on this overcast day and I did not want to haul it inside. The couple hope to pick up Sunday so leaving in the garage is easier to load from.

The rain came down a wee bit more as I drove over to Goslings to pick up some rhubarb and lovage. I got a tour of their new fountain/pond and garden to, thanks guys!

Britt got lovely grad gifts but here are a couple really unique ones.
check out the wine bottle, up close, very cool

and this laundry care kit! goes great with her favorite color towel set, this with the comfy chair are the beginnings for her personalized room at rez!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

custom dresser finished

I was awoken early thanks to Lola at 6:30 doing her perimeter check, she was busy until about 2:30 last night, UGH. Diego whined at my window until I finally let them in at 7. It looked cold and rainy but it was actual smoke. Holy cow if from the north that must be heavy up there.

I managed to fall back asleep til 8:30. Britt has her usual late start Thursday so I showed her how to make coffee to help us both get moving. I had a couple coming for a water barrel at 9:30 but it seems they were running late. I power buffed the wax with my "new" car buffer while waiting. They arrived visited the horses, grabbed the barrel and were off in the miserable weather. A few drops of rain fell but that was it.

Back in the garage I waxed the mirror, dark & clear waxed the body before I changed and headed to town. Errands including more dog & cat food were on the agenda then I stopped for a great visit with Gail dropping her jewels back, THANKS again Gail, your Stella and Dot jewels were da bomb. I then made a quick stop at the Paetz home to drop off treasures Asher left behind then a quick stop to grab a mozza burger. It seems today is National Hamburger day, who knew until I was watching the news.

Time to go outside as the weather started to get nicer on the way home from town and now it was gorgeous. I fed the horses and brushed Lola getting loads more hair out. Another couple arrived to get a water tote hoping for rain like I am. Once they were off I spent the next couple hours polishing the brass hardware on the custom dresser, putting it back on and reassembling the mirror. As I put the drawers in I found another repair so got it done and tomorrow I will snap some pictures in better light.
Britt stopped at home after work to change then was back to town to go to a party with Brooke, not late as there is school tomorrow. Apparently it is senior ditch day but Britt and Brooke are going to be odd and go. It is time for a shower and relax in bed now so off I go, good night every one.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

coffee burst

Not sure if it was the coffee I had or the good nights sleep but today was a productive day. There was a brief rain last night that amounted to about a tablespoon ;( After Britt was off I got busy in the garage scrubbing the custom dresser after removing hardware, sanding and repairing. While it dried I did my dreaded incorporation books but luckily since I have not worked there was only about 6 entries for the year. It did require a call to accountants to get a refresher on the program quick though. Of course this was done on basement computer which lead to computer updates and changes and so forth which took another hour.

Time to head out into the 24 degree sunshine now out. I watered the garden and flower beds, planted the last of the tomatoes (Thanks again Craig) and of course some poop scooping. Back inside I got busy painting the dresser which lead to distressing and even waxing portions. Around 6 loud booms of thunder had Coco crapping bricks so she had to come out to the garage where Diego and I were after nearly digging her way thru the steel door. By 6:30 the rain finally came but ended shortly after. There was just enough to almost cover the dust.
 all sanded/scrubbed ready to go

funny how it discolors over time at different rates
drawer on left has been distressed, right is one coat paint
she would like to keep top 2 drawers original, dark and clear wax has been added and some highlighting.. below I polished the brass.. what do you think? keep or go dark?
Shelby stopped to pick up her grad gift and we had a short visit before I got back to work. It was not long and Brit was home from work just after 8. She fed the horses the beet pulp I had made after giving Bird a nice work out now that the sun was back out. I finished up the dresser for the night and wrote you this update ;)

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

sluggish day

Tuesday found Sheldon off earlier to stop at the bank with his truck check and then off to the airport to catch his flight north. Britt and I were both feeling like slugs on this overcast dreary morning so she was allowed to miss first class which was art. The w/e took its toll on us all I think as the rest of the day I felt like a snail with lead shoes ;)
While feeding dogs breakfast I found a Tupperware glass from the w/e, actually Lola may have found it first!

I worked on my Creative Moments blog for an entry to a furniture flip contest. Not sure if it is worth all the hoops and time but thought I would try it once. This poor blog got left behind too once the Facebook page took off. You do need a blog to enter so will use it instead of this personal one.

A gal stopped out for more of the free items I had posted and had a short visit. She was in love with Diego but he was really not to interested after initially checking her out ;) More putzing before the current dresser owner drove out with some rub and buff for her handles.

Time to get back to my projects, did a bit more work on moms rocking horse with wood filler, snapped a few stock to paint photos and posted and staged a few more pics for the shoe shine kit for my big flip entry.

Britt got home from school and was soon fast asleep. I made up tuna lasagna for supper after planning to for months. She awoke to do dish detail eat and head out to baseball. The day still seem like rain could happen even though it was 22 and never did, the grey gloomy weather did not help with the lack of energy!

However at 8 I forced myself to go out and walk the dogs, and feed ALL the horses hay. About 4 drops of rain fell as we walked ;( Lola got a nice brushing, still loosing tons of downy soft hair getting ready for the heat. I watered a few planters that seemed dried up and a couple trees. While doing so I decided to haul a pile of wood and crap Vance hauled out a couple years behind the top soil piles as a fort. It seemed the rusty metal piece caught me and caused a wee bit of blood, hope no tetanus shot required ;/ (Amanda don't look at next pictures, warning blood)

 the crop is coming up! or is that weeds? ;)

what does the mass of little pine cones indicate?
Back inside I changed up the blog layout and style which is always a fun change. Britt got home around 10 as the sun finally was setting. Got to love these long summer days ;)

Monday, May 25, 2015

picture up/down load day

Back to school from Britt while Sheldon was off to town on errands and to get the truck inspected and a warranty issue resolved. I got busy doing remaining cleaning and the daunting task of picture downloading, blog updates and Facebook albums.

The Monday spare motley crew arrived but only for about an hour as they hit OJ's first and did a few errands before back to school. Sheldon got home just after 2. I had glued a rocking horse for mom yesterday but today Sheldon helped me out with drilling counter sunk screws holes to further reinforce.

The couple arrived to pick up the truck just as were getting ready to eat supper before heading to lessons. The day turned grey and as we caught horses a few rain drops fell. Sheldon came along today to see what our lessons are all about. Once on our way, we hit rain just before Jac's so lessons were indoors for the first time. Today was dressage test and what a challenge that was to remember the pattern while remembering all the other things Jill has been teaching us. But we did it and had a good time. Sheldon even snapped a few pictures from his chair of honor on the wooden bridge ;)

 so fast.. = blur ;)
We enjoyed a cold beer to hydrate after, THANKS Jac then headed home to find a small amount of rain, enough to make Lola's paws muddy! ;) Hot showers all around rounded out the night.