Monday, May 25, 2015

picture up/down load day

Back to school from Britt while Sheldon was off to town on errands and to get the truck inspected and a warranty issue resolved. I got busy doing remaining cleaning and the daunting task of picture downloading, blog updates and Facebook albums.

The Monday spare motley crew arrived but only for about an hour as they hit OJ's first and did a few errands before back to school. Sheldon got home just after 2. I had glued a rocking horse for mom yesterday but today Sheldon helped me out with drilling counter sunk screws holes to further reinforce.

The couple arrived to pick up the truck just as were getting ready to eat supper before heading to lessons. The day turned grey and as we caught horses a few rain drops fell. Sheldon came along today to see what our lessons are all about. Once on our way, we hit rain just before Jac's so lessons were indoors for the first time. Today was dressage test and what a challenge that was to remember the pattern while remembering all the other things Jill has been teaching us. But we did it and had a good time. Sheldon even snapped a few pictures from his chair of honor on the wooden bridge ;)

 so fast.. = blur ;)
We enjoyed a cold beer to hydrate after, THANKS Jac then headed home to find a small amount of rain, enough to make Lola's paws muddy! ;) Hot showers all around rounded out the night.

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