Friday, December 19, 2014

Dale & Vance visit

Friday I slept in a bit after the sleepless night. Poor Britt is feeling very sore. Sheldon and I ran to town at noon to pickup a few pairs of leggings to try on and wash the truck. We grabbed teas and a slurpy for Britt but it did not get enjoyed as throat hurt to much.
Britt did come up to watch me try on the leggings but soon was back down in bed. Sheldon then headed out to hang Christmas lights along the rail fence while I waxed the frame getting it all finished up paint wise.

A warm fire was lit. Dale and vance arrived to join us forsupper and an evening of visiting. As always very enjoyable. They are off to yet another w/e of hockey. So hard to beleive little old Oyen is in a tier that plays as far as Canmore! Britt's day was pretty sore so I gave her a dose at 1 am and hoped she could sleep till 7 am next round.

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