Thursday, December 18, 2014

Britt gets her tonsils out

Dec 18, big surgery day for Britt with hopes of ridding her of strep and tonsillitis issues in the future. She slept in a bit while we had coffee and a co-worker of Sheldon's stopped to join us. He bought black beauty, our little '84 Yamaha Bravo skidoo. He has 3 little kids who will get even more years use out of it.
I painted the frame another coat before we loaded up and were off to the city by 10:30. We got her check ed in and she headed in right around slated surgery time of 1:30. During her surgery we went down for lunch and saw they had Santa, Mrs Claus and 6 real life reindeer touring around the hospital grounds. Such a great sight for these kids.

 Sheldon watching Expendables 56, ok actually 3.. I opted out of this time waster ;)
She was back in her room by 3 and the rest of the day was spent monitoring her vitals and eating Popsicles for her, Sheldon and I got in an episode of SOA but it was a bit of a challenge with bright lights and busy place. Shaina had stopped at the house after work and let Coco out and Grady stopped by around supper time and let the 2 other dogs into the garage, thanks guys!!
lots of popscicles and a wee bit of rest
She was discharged just after 9, the 2nd last surgery patient on the unit. We made a stop at Superstore to load up on pudding and Popsicles while Sheldon ran to Tims to get us a tea and supper. Time to head home after a long day in the hospital. Once tucked in Britt stayed up to get her pills before bed. We watched another SOA on the big TV, much better, before I gave her her pills and we all got some sleep.

The dogs had other ideas wanting to go out after 5, I even had to get dressed up to go retrieve Lola but she was at the door by the time I got dressed, ha. I stayed up and gave Britt her 6 am dose and crawled back into bed!

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