Thursday, November 27, 2014

snow cover is back, deep freeze on its way

We awoke to fresh snow all around. After feeding and sending dogs out I put first coat of wax on the coffee table. Britt had her slow start Thursday spare. I posted items for sale hoping to continue to make room to decorate. Marketing is a huge part of this furniture gig for sure. I am thankful for the internet. It also is my source of finding projects along with the help of the Oyen Echo classifieds and my Mom! The coffee table got a distressing and dark wax application before I loaded up and was off to town around 10:30.
Restock on baileys, grab a couple gifts, check for a parcel & mail, get a massage, buy a tea and groceries and hit the bank before getting home. The weather was still nice around -5 so I shoveled the walks, loaded up two tubs of wood and took the dogs for a walk. The egg lady stopped then the hutch & coffee table customers arrived next.

I was putting a coat of white on the frame when Shaina stopped out for supper and a visit. We made chicken stirfry, perfect on this cooling down snow a rolling in day. She took a bowl to Britt who was working at the gym loaded up with eggs and sausage (great sustenance if stranded on roadside ;-))

It was then time to go back out and scrape the glass in the window frame now it is all painted then bring in for a quick staging. My liker count hit over 1300 today, yet another thing I am thankful for on this USA Thanksgiving day.
big change from the bright green heh?
Britt was home just after 9 bringing a friend who is a boy over to meet Lola and Diego for that fact. Both really liked this fellow which is odd for Big D, but then again they are tired as it is bed time :-) As Britt and Tanner came around the house for him to head home they spotted a fox right in my garden by the house!!! Britt frantically went to find cats only to find 2 of them in the bales right there at the dog house! Maybe he was looking for the composter? 3 dogs and all inside ;(
before and afters

1 comment:

  1. Sure is a change from the green! Maybe you should take advantage of the Oyen Echo classifieds before change in ownership and run a 1 column photo and description of an item for sale?
