Friday, November 28, 2014

deep freeze hits

So it was -16 with fog and blustery winds upon waking. This stuck around all day sometimes turning to near white out. Britt ventured out in this mess heading to town just after 10 for her massage. She then had blood work to do, pay her car registration (and mine THANKS B) and hit the gym before returning home. She didn't get here till after 2 and was to work at 3 but seems made a deal planning to return at 4-7.

I spent the day plagued with a headache sanding and scrubbing a new project. It is a small vanity which was painted a bright blue with primer underneath.. making for quite a chore! I am trying to decide between coral, my signature blue with dark stain or purple for the new color.

 ignore the shredded paper Lola decimated while I went inside ;)
 solid wood, all dove tailed drawers, hard to find furniture like that now a days

 trying a different wood filler idea
 scrubbed and drying
 these two sillies, prior to picture he had cleaned both her eyes hahaha
Accounting and laundry passed the afternoon and later I went out and scrubbed up the mirror I forgot. Britt got home around 7:30 played with and brushed dogs while I did a little black Friday shopping online. She made some popcorn and watched movies while I decided to get cozy in bed and watch PVR shows. Ralph loudly professed his displeasure to spending a night outside at -22 so Britt tossed him in the garage for the night.
 iphone took odd color pic but ready to paint
side note, check out Oyen a few years ago, Amanda posted this site, very cool. Here is Strathmore ;-)


  1. Bruiser is always cleaning Cisco eyes and ears too. How did Amanda find that Oyen site. I had all those photos pre-computer crash. Not now. I too vacuumed Cisco yesterday and got two canisters full. Then cut the mats from his backsie. I was vacuuming and he kept laying in my way so knew he wanted to be vacuumed. Strange dog!

  2. Is the King Edward Hotel now situated at Heritage Park?

  3. that is good he wants to be groomed. not sure how she found and not sure about hotel, have to google it
