Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Prince returns to the palace

Tuesday the chinook continued awaking to plus 1 (at least according to the possibly in accurate house thermometer) and got warmer thru the day hitting high of 6.

I worked on scrubbing new frames for some neat projects, sand a dresser top which has been claimed from my stock pile and continued marketing and answering sales emails. I also made a trip out trudging thru the wind to feed the cats and later in the day when the wind let up to refill the salt/mineral tub and give the ponies some apples.
Sharon stopped after work to buy some tickets and a visit, seems we always have a ton to share not seeing each other every day. Britt got home from tutoring as she was leaving. We were eating as Sheldon finally arrived home and Britt was off to town to work out. The day hit plus 6 and since warm most of the day, tons of snow began to melt.

After he ate, we tried to start a new series called True Detective but he was asleep just after 8!! I finished the book, Of The Dragonfly, written by a friend, would recommend the read for sure. Britt was home just before 9 but so tuckered out I told her to go to bed. She of course didn't banging around in her room till well after I finished my book and shut out the lights at 11.

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