Wednesday, November 12, 2014

furniture sales pick up

Wednesday up early thanks to multiple texts from Prince Ali ;-) Britt was off to school but home around 10 with Grady for spare and to make him her new omelet. Weather is sunny but still brisk at -12

I worked on updating furniture sales, posts and book keeping. Did jewelry box repairs and cleaning all while finishing season 2 of The Killing and started season 3.
so many things come that need a good cleaning.. check difference in the top right compartment of drawer what a good vacuum makes
I headed out in the sunshine but snappy chill (high -9) and fed the kitties roast chicken bones, rebuilt their bale food hideaway (seems the magpies find their way in the cat hole to the shop!) and refilled the dish for them. A great customer stopped to pick up these 2 beauty pieces we loaded in the her enclave. She even called back for the antique red chair after seeing my items for sale post once she got back home. I also made more sales via my facebook page, it has been a good week spite the deep freeze

sunshine sure can make the snow look pretty
Hard to believe it is dark just after 5, does allow for lots more Netflix time though :-) even while soaking in a hot tub! The temp dropped to -18 when Britt got home from work around 10, BRRRR

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