Tuesday, November 11, 2014

deep freeze & Remembrance Day

Monday the deep freeze remains, high -16. Britt was up Sheldon ran her to town for an entire day volunteering at the vet clinic before 9, no school today. He was back in just over an hour with a hot tea, yum! Shaina was a little slower, more like hobbling with sore quads from an extreme work out :-) She had her usual egg and an orange and headed to her double shift for 11.
 another chilly morning  romp
I worked on Coreena's long and round tables while Sheldon went out to plow snow. Britt was home just before supper.

Before starting the last 4 episodes of season 5 SOA, he went out and rolled yet another bale for the horses hoping to tide them over in this crazy cold weather

Tuesday was a sleep in day start for Sheldon, He secured 2 rotation flights for 7 am rather than the super early so today did not get up until 5 am! Today was another no school day in honor of Remembrance Day. Britt finally got a sleep in day. I however was awake after 7! Go figure :-)
Julio chose a house for himself :-)

I lit a fire and enjoyed a couple episodes of The Killing while waxing the long and round table. Staged a few pictures and another round of wax.
When Britt got up around 11 she made herself an omelet.. fabulous news for he non cooker! Grady stopped later in the afternoon for some biology help, seems Britt has a 91% average currently but might not be the best teacher Grady says :-) Today remained in the -16 deep freeze but did reach a high of -10.


I cooked up a roast supper for B and I which we enjoyed between homework and Netflix then both were back to our laptops :-) I also caught up on a few PVR episodes and found the PVR had again screwed up and has not recorded last 2 weeks of shows.. GRRRR.

Thanks to all who serve to keep our country strong & free!!

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