Thursday, October 2, 2014

Happy Birthday Kaylin & goodbye sweet Scooter

The Thursday morning started with celebrating the day I first became a Mom. Sweet Kaylin Melissa marks that memorable day and continues to make me proud. She is a beautiful person inside and out, she is generous and loving, she loves to spend her days making people feel special, she challenges my "Mom" side with zest! I love this girl Forever and For Always, my first baby you will be!! XOXOXO

(she happily reminded me of this when I later found out she has yet another tattoo I did not know about :-)) Oh my crazy Kazie!

However my day took a drastic turn for the worse when soon after getting up (late than usual today as Britt has her Thursday morning spare) feeding dogs and getting coffee rolling. I look out the window to see my sweet Scooter injured. I raced out in my pj's yelling for Britt, as I rounded the corner, she whinnied to me and I saw the impact of her injuries. My heart broke, some how she had endured a gash to her abdomen and things did not look good. Britt threw me the phone as I ran back to the house but it lost connection, they did get most of my info and were calling back. Britt raced out with a cell and I got a hold of them. It took what seemed forever but in the meantime Britt got water to try and get on her tongue and started to clean the wound as well as a horse blanket. We rubbed her and comforted her as best we could.

The morning was sunny but bitterly cold with the wind. Dr Julie and her assistant arrived not long after but gave us the bad news she would have to be put down. Horses do not have success with trying to reinsert anything in the stomach even in a controlled situation much less outdoors. With everyone feeling the loss we sedated her and let her go.
Now anyone who ever met Scooter knew she was the kindest most gentle soul around. Hands down you could put anyone on her and she would give her very best. At one of the recent chiropractor appoints, he said she had so much out in her body it was amazing she was even getting around. But that was her, just do your best no matter how you feel. At that appointment, after her big release and alignment I loved that horse even more knowing how sore she was and how hard she still tried.
Scooter came to me on my birthday only last year but she was a blessing from heaven. She was full of lice and skin and bones but in no time I had her looking like a million bucks. Her former owner back a few homes said we were like horse angels but I said nah, she is the angel, so sweet and kind. She patiently taught me the polocrosse game, that some horses have a gait as smooth as butter and can make you look like a better rider and that even when not feeling your best, give it your all. I feel very honored to have had her lessons and love for the short time she was with us.
I was very thank full Darren was able to come over soon after and help me move her to the 5 Star resting place. Another kind friend drove his big forklift up and gently moved her to her spot where I buried her with a posy of pretty wildflowers that grow on Twix and Zoe's graves.
the herd says farewell ;-(

The rest of the day was a blur of kinds words and comfort from many friends and family. Sadly I had to give Shaina the bad news via text which didn't help her vacation day but was important she knew. Kaylin was concerned our birthday supper should be postponed but I reminded her that she was the sunshine to my grey day.

She picked me up and we met Amanda, Craig, Asher, Ada and Gail for her celebration supper. Asher and Ada entertained us and Kaylin got her red velvet cake that she loves so much. Britt was unable to join as she was working after school but we stopped for her to give Kaylin her present. Lynda had a bouquet of beautiful flowers for us too, THANKS Lynda.

Back to the ranch where Gail was waiting along with a fish and wildlife officer. He looked at my photos and will come back tomorrow to examine the site to help try and figure out the cause of Scooter's injuries. Soon after Chad and Erin stopped to pick up barn board backs I had made for their polocrosse 1st place tournament prizes. Britt got home after most left, had a visit with Gail and Kaylin before they too were off. Britt being a little freaked out after today's events bunked in with me for the night.
Here is Britt's horseshoe hook prize pimped out by me and the other dad, Chad, he added the plaque and I did the barn board and nails. (thanks Dad for the nails), I think it looks so much better than just the hook.

It seems today put yesterdays small no good things in perspective, today went from happy to sad in a blink of an eye; life is short! Love those around you, realize your blessings and be grateful, and cherish the things that come into your life even if for a short time!

Happy birthday beautiful, much love to you!! XOXOXO

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