Tuesday, September 30, 2014

last day of September ;-(

Early morning for Sheldon who was off for the airport in the dark again, this time taking the Buick and leaving me the truck.. lucky me.. until I got in it on way to town and smelled the pig farm aroma from the dang field!! YUCK, I drove with windows open even though misty!

The misty rain started after Britt was off to school and lasted till around lunch. I spent the morning again busy on projects. I had insomnia thinking of all my ideas. With pj's on and coffee in hand I got busy making them reality. The jewel box and frame got a dark wax topping then staged

 and 3 more of the chalkboards got assembled and photographed
 and I began painting the frames for 2 remaining chalkboards now that they were dry and ready to go
BY now it was 1:30 and I have a dental appointment at 2:30 so a quick shower and jump into this horrible smelling truck. Dentist, parcel pick up (Yay more Saje), a pumpkin latte from Starbucks (only 1 treat remains on my gift card:-( ), a restock at Rona, a bank deposit and draft to mail to Prissy for a saddle Shaina decided to buy whilst on her adventure, dog food then finally grabbed Edo and jetted home!

Back at the ranch I wolfed down some of the food and got back to my projects.
this gorgeous solid wood shelf had plugs stuck in the holes but I mastered the drill and drilled them out, back to perfect! now to decide on colors and which wallpaper, leaning towards fun circles
 the frames got a few more colors added as well as black glaze on one, now to dry
 these two sets got a blue overhaul too

Today is nephew Vance's birthday and I finally got a call into him at 8! Happy birthday sweet boy!! 

Shaina text they FINALLY arrived in Maryland after leaving Texas yesterday at 8 am. She had text at 1 am early today saying they drove 15 hours only stopping 3 times but now they were there safe and sound after another full day of driving (midnight there). Six people and a dog in a 5 passenger truck so Shaina rode in the horse trailer catching up on sleep :-)

I spent a few hours updating the blog since I had been so busy for last 4 days. Britt worked after school then hit the gym after not getting home till after 10! Seems she is getting gym obsessed like her sisters! She did cook us a grilled cheese, thanks Beasle!


  1. Jewel box very cute. The color may appeal to me more in person than online.
    Love the blue on the frame. Really like the new color you added - purple family. Not on this blog though. Glad to hear Shaina is doing well (despite travel hours). Will be thrilled to see her new saddle. Keep up the good work on so many interesting projects. Hugs
