Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Holy 1 1/4" rain

Tuesday was the end of a long hiatus from flights and work up north. Britt dropped him off and was back home at 5:30 am. I was up early before 8 but relaxed for an hour playing a few games of cookie jam ;) Time for coffee and laundry, staging and marketing the red spool and updating my stuff. Time to get back to my "paying" job. There was also a few hours of photo organizing too.

Shaina slowly made her way up before noon catching horses for her friend Gail to join us on a trail ride. Today it was all walking so Julio was Shaina's mount with me on Hawk and Gail on Scooter. I had caught Switch to take along and it wasn't long before Britt came out and jumped on Switch as we were leaving. Hawk has a bit to much energy so I passed the lead to Shaina and Britt rode Switch bareback the entire ride with not one issue. She would even start to move forward with pressure and a cluck. What a smart girl, should be another easy one to train like Cricket and Baby. The weather was warm and 24.
I painted a frame two coats coral while doing domestic duties shirked over the last weeks. Plans for a few birthday gifts were tossed around but they will not be revealed for a bit. Shaina left for the city with Jenna to shop at 3. At about 3:30 the thunder gave way to rain and it was not long before it would comedown in buckets along with hail. Britt was concerned as Bird, Switch and Julio were in the pasture rather than a shelter like the other 5 horses (Baby is still at Lesley's barn from the w/e tournament) getting pummeled by the storm. She grabbed a rain coat and in her shorts and my flip flops runs out to open the back wire and bring them into the new shelter. She rode out the storm in the shelter with them keeping them all calm so not to have another disaster like 2 years ago almost to the day.
me out enjoying the rain, minutes later the deluge hits!

 Britt heading out
 but they don't want to follow
 the start of hail and looks like the rain spout needs some work as lots shooting out at the junction
 so she runs back to get a halter
 this is not a happy yell but rather she was trying to tell me to come help.. no actually I am the documentor!
 grabs a halter still barefoot, wraps around Julio's neck and off they go

 to safety of the shelter

 where she stays and rides it out with them

slight accumulation in the short time frame, rivers everywhere

 to over an inch and climbing
 we now have a lake
within about half hour we had an inch of rain plus hail come down making puddles everywhere and a small lake in the new paddock. The rest of the evening was bouts of rolling thunder and occasional sprinkle of rain. Brittany even got into doing her laundry while enjoying her new laptop which will keep her even busier when it comes to TV series now that she uploaded Netflix! I took to updating the blog for last 6 days. Shaina and Jenna were home around 9 and visited until Jenna went home later on.
frame before

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