Thursday, August 7, 2014

busy life back at the ranch

Tuesday was work day, Sheldon mowed the wild oats around the tree by hand while I picked and plucked in the garden and watered behind him. Britt worked 3-8 and Shaina at 4
here is my first "BIG" potato harvest .. seems I best wait about a month more!! We also let the horses out in the big field for a couple hours to run and graze.

Ralph is not really horse smart and Switch is pretty curious, here she watches as he goes thru the alfalfa doing who knows what
the round up crew while I again herded on foot 
 here is the proof of D's mad love, big slimy kisses!
While relaxing on the deck we enjoyed these frosty treats, I am a master of the Long island ice tea.. YUM!!! 
 some of his gifts, funniest the ailing old fart sippy cup .. looks like he will have rum for a bit!
The evening was nice for a dog walk too.

Wednesday  found Sheldon off to the dentist for 9:30 then doing a few errands before bringing home a tea. I trimmed Switch, Scooter and KD. Britt and I also had a practice after she conditioned and we joined in. Shaina conditioned on her own but helped me with KD's feet before both girls were off to work for 3. In the seeming not so hot but actually 28 Sheldon and I installed a corner mineral tub in the new shelter. He also adjusted the walls first to be square while I picked a load of poop and started watering our poor drying trees and grass.
 my pied piper horse catcher at work (did I mention she can vault on to big Bird now out in the field!!)
After delivering bales and eating my yummy supper Sheldon and I took the dogs for a walk on yet another gorgeous night.
this is a pizza that even me who is picky really likes, just wanted to share
here is a picture of Sam who won the welcome sign getting it at polox
Once home from work, Britt built a fire and cooked a few (FOUR) hotdogs, Sheldon had to join her and have 2 himself!! Shaina got home late from work and missed it.

Thursday Sheldon gave Britt and I a ride to Calgary in the silver bullet to an ear nose throat specialist who has scheduled Briit's tonsils removed December 16th at children s hospital. The new navigation had us 40 streets away and 15 minutes late, hmmm! We then stopped at Market Mall to look at a new laptop for the soon to be grade 12er but it seemed the guy could not sell us one so I ordered online once home no problems! There we had lunch at Moxie's, it was good minus the hair in my salad hahaha. A quick stop at Costco to stock up on yet more food and off for home. Kaylin and Lexi had been there for a bit ad Shaina had just got home from job #1 and was eating supper. The two of them headed to town for work at 4 while Sheldon hooked the new truck to the horse trailer for next appointment. Britt and I loaded 4 horses and took them for chiropractic. We grabbed burgers and gas on the way home and after eating Britt and Sheldon picked rocks in the shop for clay to be dumped while I updated the blog.

Shaina and Kaylin were home from work after 10, grabbed food and Lexi and headed to the city where they have an outdoor summer concert to attend tomorrow night

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